101- Werewolf Spirits and Gift Hunting [Part- 4].

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Screen opens to Revolta Castle as thunder storm grows in the sky's with black Lightning flash and thunder roars. The screen then changes to a dirt trail with the Witch of Envy walking down it. Her Demon Dark Green eyes shines through the light fog as dead body's of USA soldiers lay beside her. There body burned with Dark Green Lightning sparking from there lifeless body's. As she continued her walk the Screen changes to Ethan Phara and Tanis inside Jon Butcher Shop looking at the storm from the window while sitting down. The storm was still forming outside as thunder and lightning flashed from the window. But there was no rain. Jon was taking the Pizza's out of the oven and putting them into boxes.

Tanis- Wow. What a storm today.

Phara- Ha ha. Ya isn't just dreadful. Right Ethie.

Phara gives Ethan a creepy look that scares him a bit but he recovers and gives a fake smile.

Ethan- Uh um I guess so Phara.

Jon- Ha ha ha. It always like that here you two. Anyways it's a good think you three got here when you did. I was afraid I had to throw these Pizza's out.

Ethan- Ya. Good thing Dave told us the time otherwise we would have been late.

Phara- Ha ha ya. So what pizzas did you order Ethan?

Ethan- Hmm I ordered three Seven Beef Pizzas. And the last one is my favorite a Hamburger Pretzel Pizza.

Ethan looked hungry as Jon pulled out the Pizza but Tanis was confused as to why he ordered so much food.

Tanis [Thoughts]- Hm. I wonder why Ethan ordered so much? I guess I better ask then.

Tanis- I don't get it brother? Why did you order more Pizzas. Are we expecting guests at home tonight?

Phara- Ha ha. Ya you can't eat all those Pizzas by yourself. Also we already eat from the Pizza you brought to the church remember.

Tanis and Phara remember eating three Pizzas.

Ethan- Well I didn't eat because I wanted to at home and do some night gamming you two. so I decided to buy one for myself.

Phara- Ha ha. So who's the other Pizzas for then.

Phara gave a creepy yet interested smile.

Ethan- Um well I bought them incase Winnie woke up and is waiting for us at home.

Ethan looked sad when he spoke Jon notice this along with the Tanis and Phara.

Phara [Thoughts]- Ha just as I thought he does loves and care for Winnie. How sweet but sad at the same time.

Phara- Ha ha. Hey Ethan keep your head up. I'm sure Winnie will be alright.

Tanis- Ya Winnie is strong and always pulls through.

Jon- Ha. I can agree with that Tanis. Winnie always been head strong. It will take a lot more then a slave collar to tame that She-Wolf. Anyways here's your Pizzas Ethan.

Jon finished cutting the pizzas Ethan smiles and takes the four Pizza.

Ethan- Ha well that what everyone been saying. But ya I know she'll be alright. But thanks for the reminder.

Jon- Anytime War Boy. Have a good night and come again when you can.

Ethan looked emotionless at Jon.

Ethan- Did Winnie tell you that nickname.

Jon- Ha ha ha. You bet she did. Now move along I don't want you to get caught in this storm. It looks really bad this time.

Ethan looked outside and understood Jon and smiled.

Ethan- Ha. Alright then see you later. You mad butcher.

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