47. Power From Within.

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Screen opens to Ethan levitating in meditation inside a dark room. Behind him is an giant robotic oven that takes up the entire wall. It flames light up the dark room. Ethan wearing his Alchemy Mask and Armor. His Warlock Sword in peace's Infront of him his crystals inside the sword is missing.

Kalen [Thoughts]- Hm. Impressive Descendent. I didn't think you would be able to enhance your Sword Crystal's so quickly. 

Ethan- Ha. Like I said I will surpass and Revolta.

As they speak three Red Crystals levitate out of the oven and goes towards the parts of Ethan Warlock Sword and the sword puts itself together. Ethan stands up right and grabs his sword. When he does the oven light turns off. Ethan activates his sword that burns Bright Red. Ethan then swings a power strike then turn it off. 

Kalen- Don't get cocky. She is more powerful then even me. And your no where close to me. Also I see you'll be hanging out with that Vampire today Sibella correct.

Ethan- Yes. I'm trying to get to know her better. Why are you going to brag to look out for her fangs.

Kalen-  Ha. Not this time. You may want to talk to her about that Aura Drain ability you've gained.

Ethan- Hu!? What do you mean? Why would she know anything about that?

Kalen- Vampires are naturally gifted in Daring the Aura around them. It's part of there curse given to them by the Harbingers of sin.

Ethan- Uh! What are The Harbingers of Sin?

Kalen- To make a long story sort. There the first seven angels that where the fist to be manipulated by King of hell himself. Vampire and Were-Monsters where created or born with strong connection with a sin.

Ethan- That strange I've never heard of such a story from the bible.

Kalen- Because the church wishes to hide certain things. So easy manipulated souls don't worship them. They are the only demons to escape hell. And rejected hell rule.

Ethan- Hm. Interesting. So what sins did Vampires inherited from the Harbingers.

Kalen- It's random. But if I would make a guess it would be her Pride. And how she present herself. Anyways you shouldn't keep her waiting. Also be careful around her. I don't trust her.

Ethan- Ha. Sure thing old. I'll see you around.

After Ethan left the room.

Kalen- Gr! Ethan one day you will have to come to realize those slave aren't your friends.

Screen changes to a giant castle stair case of brick leading up to a door where a giant wooden door. A Female Jester dressed in Black and Dark Red while twirling golden keys in her hand. Screen changes to Ethan in his Warlock Armor surrounded by dead Black Armor Knights. Ethan points his sword at the jester as she laughs as she runs inside. Ethan chases after her when he gets inside the door close behind him. The jester was standing behind a door made of black fog.

Ethan- Alright Jester hand over the keys.

Jester- Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha!! Uh! AHHHHHH!! But . . uh. . Why!? Cough! Cough!

That when a sphere goes through the jester chest and lifter her off the ground. That when a ten foot knight came out of the fog. he's holding the sphere with one hand and use telekinesis to grab the keys. This shocked Ethan the knight placed the keys on his belt before launching the jester off his sphere with a telekinesis push. Ethan jumps up catching her. He place her on the ground and try's to heal her but the wound was to deep. Ethan held her hand tight as she dies.

Jester [Surprised]- I don't understand. Cough! Cough! Why?

Ethan- No one deserved to be betrayed like that. 

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