70 Old Memory's [Part-3].

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Screen opens to Miss Grim and True Alpha staring each other down. Inside the forest of Alchemy World.

True Alpha- It's been so long Master. How have you been.

Miss Grim- You have lost that right to call me that.

Screen changes to Ethan who looked surprised but slowly trying to get back on his feet.

True Alpha- Ow really now. Tell me what changed for you to train such trash as this Human Boy!

Miss Grim- I don't know what your talking about?

True Alpha- Don't play stupid with me. I came to you for training and you agreed with me humans are inferior to us. Yet here you are and few thousands years later training them. So tell me what do you see in these human filth.

Miss Grim- I did not tell you to kill them. You chose that path on your own. You raised your weapon not me. So do not blame me for your failures. 

True Alpha- No the failure is yours! No longer do I suffer from your training of generosity that weakened us. I came close to killing off the entire race and what did you do. You stood there and watched like the pathetic old women you are. Now stand aside and let me pass and I might spare this worthless human body.

Miss Grim- I'm sorry but I can not allow you to be reborn.

True Alpha- Very well then. Now the student shall kill the master. Hu!?

Screen changes back to inside Alpha Armor where Ethan slams True Alpha into the ground and pins him on the ground.

True Alpha- You ungrateful!?

Miss Grim charges at True Alpha. Changing her wand into a sword True Alpha blocks her strikes as screen changes back to True Alpha and Ethan. Where True Alpha launched Ethan off using a telekinesis and slams him against a tree then pulls out small steel rods and impales Ethan to the tree.

Ethan [Pain]- AHHHHH!

 True Alpha- Stay put human filth. I'll deal with you once my former Master lies dead.

Ethan- You'll never beat Miss Grim.

True Alpha- Ha Ha. Watch me.

Screen changed back to Miss Grim and True Alpha as they clash [Black and Dark Red] lightning runs through Alpha blade. The lightning hits Miss Grim but doesn't effect her attack on Alpha who manages to keep up with her the screen changes to the Freedom Fighter Military School inside Freedom Fighter Rangers Base. Where the Rangers and Walter are listening to Tanis.

[Freedom Fighter Rangers Base Description- The Room is built to function as main HQ of the Rangers. But the main room has a Super Computer and over looks the training room that's an open room but security steel widow shades block the training area. There's four teleporter towers].

Nova- How could you let that happen to my Cousin!

Zane- Nova calm down.

Nova- Cam down. Ethan being controlled like a puppet again but this time by a old Wolf! How do you think I feel!

Walter- Nova attention!

Nova- But sir!

Walter- I said attention Ranger!! 

Nova stood at attention.

Walter- I'm done with your attitude Nova.  We all are worried about Ethan but you need to calm down so we can figure out a plan incase Miss Grim fail to stop True Alpha. You understand.

Nova- Sir yes sir. HU!? UHF!!

Walter- Hu!? Girls?

That's when a magic seal appears above them and the Monster Girls fell out and they landed on the Rangers. Walter surprised by this and goes to help his students along with Tanis. The Monster Girls are fully healed however there clothes are still torn from the battle. And they can hardly stand.

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