74. Power and Control [Part-3].

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Screen open with Ethan and Mason blade colliding as the five werewolf hunter watch through there crystal ball. 

Duke- Impressive for a human.

Blade- That's rare to hear from you boss.

Bark- Ya. What make him so different from me?

Duke- Ha. So many thinks Bark. 

Bark- Like what!?

Blade- Control of his emotion.

Agana- His sword form not sloppy.

Maria- Your attitude is another problem.

Bark- GRR! I get it! . . . I get. GEES! 

Duke- What the hell?

Bark- Hu? What's wrong boss?

The other look surprised. When they look back at the crystal ball it cracked with the Minutemen symbol appearing on the crystal ball.

[Minutemen Symbol and Flag]-  A Blue Flag with a Eagle Feather and an AR-15 Rifle crossing each other. It has three stars one on top left and right. While a scroll bellow it says We The People written in Cursive].

Mason- So your who the Werewolf Alpha's sent to find the three escaped monsters.

Duke [Thought]- Hu!? This Aura!! It's that of an Alpha.

Maria- No this power isn't possible for a human to have.

Mason- I wouldn't never underestimate your opponent dear. Here some advice. Those monsters might be looking for Revolta for safety. So keep an eye out for monster attacks and they wont be far behind.  So leave us in peace so we can finish our students training. Thank you. 

That when a crystal balls decayed into dust in Dukes hands.

Blade- So what should we do boss.

Bark- Ya. 

Agana- We should make him pay for humiliating us. Like this.

Duke- No. He is right. We need to find a way to get those three out in the open.

Bark- Then what's the plan boss?

Duke- Spread out and keep a look out for any monster attack by Revolta. Find her base we find them. Let's move out.

Bark- Sure thing boss. Ha Ha.

Duke [Thoughts]- I'm going to have to keep an eye on that boy and this Mason human. They might prove trouble for our empire.

As they get up to leave the screen changes to Ethan and Mason there strike sending shock waves unleashes wind shaking the tree's. 

Mason- Come now Ethan you can't keep this up.

Ethan- I know I'm waiting for my opening.

Mason- Opening? What do you mean!! UH!?

Mason use telekinesis launching Ethan back but he did stop his attacks slamming into him. 

Ethan- Did you think I forgot everything about you. Especially your heart problems. 

Mason- I guess so.

Mason weapon was yanked out of his hand with a power strike shocking Mason. But it didn't stun or launch him back witch surprised Ethan. This doesn't stop Ethan assault. 

Ethan- Warlock Lightning Strike!!

Ethan does a speed strike against Mason who didn't dodge the  strike but when the blade hits him. The blade brakes into pieces. This brakes Ethan fingers he manages to remain up right but in pain as he drops what remain of his sword.

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