Chapter 41: Baby Fever

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Dylan's POV - Sunday April 23rd 2023:

Time had seemed to pass by quickly, we had already spent the last four months with Gabriela's coven. The gloom that seemed to hang over everyone had slowly lifted. Everyone seemed to be happier as time went on. Even I finally felt at peace with everything that had happened. Unfortunately a dark cloud still hung over one person in particular. Astrid still hadn't woken and my mum looked as though she was slowly deteriorating. Gabriela and Aurora had been administering potions to Astrid daily trying to bring her back from her deep sleep. Both women were still confident that Astrid would wake up however it seemed like my mum was beginning to give up. We needed Astrid to wake up and bring my mum back to us. The only thing that seemed to make her smile anymore was our little Jay. 

In my opinion Jay was growing up too quickly to me it felt like it was just yesterday that we rescued them. Ivy, Aria and Alex were amazing parents we all took turns taking care of Jay. Honestly it didn't feel like much work with so many hands. Even their parents had helped out more than I could have ever expected. However I had noticed that Aria and Alex had begun to get a bit of baby fever. Both women had approached me on more than one occasion asking whether or not I would want to have a baby with them. The answer was always yes, however with us still hiding from Vivian I wasn't sure if it was the right time. Aria and Alex had also discussed the two of them having a baby together. 

Now how is that possible you ask? Well there was a potion that the witches had created to allow two women to have a baby together. It was how both Aria and Ivy were conceived. After taking the potion the two women would have to have sex and afterwards one of the two would end up pregnant. However you couldn't predict which woman would end up pregnant. Aria had joked that if she wasn't the one who got pregnant that I would have to give her a baby. 

The idea of having three or more kids running around was a little overwhelming, but at the same time I enjoyed the idea of having a large family. Now that we had little Jay I wanted her to have siblings. Since I was a twin I couldn't imagine growing up without a sibling. I wanted Jay to have a bond with her siblings like Wilder and I shared. 

"Dill?" Aria's voice pulled me out of my thoughts.

"Yes love?" I asked as I turned around on the couch to face her. 

"Gabriela made us a few fertility potions" She said with a bit of hesitation as she made her way across the room. 

"For you and Alex?" I asked with a smirk.

"Yeah but she said there were enough for Ivy and I as well as Ivy and Alex. If we ever wanted to do that." She said as a faint blush spread across her cheeks.

"Who did you want to try with first?" I said quirking an eyebrow at her.

"Oh still Alex. I don't want to chance Ivy getting pregnant again. She already had to go through one pregnancy. I don't think she's exactly ready for another one so soon after the first one. Even though there is a chance it could be me to carry." Aria said as she settled on the couch next to me.

"Are you two sure you want to do this right now? I mean with Vivian still out there who knows what could happen." I said rubbing the back of my neck. 

"We don't want to live in constant fear anymore. If we wait until Vivian is captured who knows when we will be able to do this. I don't want to live my life on Vivian's timeline." Aria said as her brows pinched together. 

"I know you are right I just can't help but be worried about you two" I said letting out a sigh. 

"Well luckily we have the biggest and baddest werewolf around to protect us" Aria said with a smirk. 

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