Chapter 28: Here we come

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Dylan's POV - Friday December 9th 2022:

It had been a month since Ivy had been taken. A month of contacting every pack we could find. A month of getting witches and vampires on our side. A month of missing Ivy. I felt like I was at my breaking point. If we didn't storm Vivian's castle soon I was going to completely lose it. Not only was I suffering but Aria and Alex were barely talking anymore. They just laid in bed holding each other most days. I couldn't stay with them though I had to go with the Queens to try convince others to fight with us. We had built up a pretty large army, but it had taken so much time that I wasn't sure if Ivy or our baby would still be alive. Ivy's parents seemed to be handling it better than my mates and I. They would always tell me that I needed to be patient. Which I knew was true if we didn't make preparations we would all end up dead. I just prayed that Vivian was keeping her alive. 

I had just gotten back to the cabin after a week trip to talk to some vampire clans. We had convinced them to join us, it had taken awhile but they had agreed to help. The whole trip had been so stressful mostly because I missed my mates. My mom and dad had decided to stay with them. She knew I was worried about them, but even though she was with them it didn't make me feel any better about leaving. So when I got back to the cabin I was more than excited to see them. When we had entered the cabin it was quiet. No one seemed to be around which was odd since it was the middle of the day. I hurried to the elevator to check my bedroom. When the elevator doors opened into my room I was relieved to see my mates sitting on our bed. 

"Dylan!" They both yelled as they sprinted towards me. 

"My loves I missed you!" They sprung into my arms nearly knocking me over. 

"We missed you so much" Alex said covering my face in kisses Aria joined her and I couldn't help but chuckle.

"You aren't leaving again right?" Aria said quietly.

"Nope but we are going to be leaving soon to get Ivy" I said squeezing them tighter.

"Really?! When?" Aria said her eyes lighting up. 

"Soon my love. Probably by the end of the week. We just need to wait for all the soldiers to arrive. Once they get here we're heading out." I said as I released them from the hug.

"Are you going to actually let us come with you?" Alex said crossing her arms across her chest.

"Yes sweetheart. I only suggested you two staying here while I was away because of how rough this has been on all of us. I didn't want to put either of you through anymore stress."

"I mean you could of stayed here and let our moms deal with it" Aria said with a pout. 

"What kind of Alpha would I be if I let someone else rescue my mate?" I said with an eyebrow raised.

"We are Alphas to you know" Alex grumbled 

"But I'm THE Alpha" I said with a smug smirk.

"You're about to be THE Dead Alpha if you keep it up" Aria said with a wink. 

"I'm just happy to see you two smiling again. It was starting to feel like I was losing you two." I said giving each of them a kiss on the cheek. 

"Well while you were away Aria and I talked. We figured we needed to be more positive about the outcome of the situation. Then the other night when we were about to go to bed we felt Ivy. It was only for the briefest of seconds but we felt her. She's still alive Dill!" Alex said a huge smile plastered to her face.

My heart stopped for a second as I processed their words. My sweet little red head was still alive. I felt like I could breathe for the first time in a month. At least now I knew when we raided the castle there would still be a chance of finding her alive. 

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