Chapter 19: Followed

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????? POV:

I paced my office waiting to hear back from my daughter. We had caught wind of a Lycan born that resided at Everest Heights. If I was correct she would be the most powerful Lycan to ever live. Which meant we needed to exterminate her. Who knew what would happen if she actually shifted into her true Lycan form. The results could be deadly for everyone around her. Lycan's could rarely control themselves in their wolf forms. They would go after anyone in their way even their mates. The problem with this Lycan was that she was heir to the throne and her mates were also the four Queens daughters. The only way to get rid of her would be to separate her from her mates.

"It's about time you called" I growled into the phone.

"Well it's not like I don't have other things to do throughout the day. I am in school if you forgot." 

"You aren't there to focus on school you are there to separate the Lycan from her mates!"

"And how do you propose I do that? They haven't spent much time apart since I located her."

"I don't care how you do it just get it done! We have a month until the Blood Moon, we need to get to her before she shifts. If she shifts before we might be too late." 

"Don't call me until you've got her!" I ended the call before she could respond.

Dylan's POV - Friday October 14th 2022:

It had been a week since my mates and I had completed our mate bond. Since the bond had formed we were glued at the hip or hips since there was four of us. I always had at least one of them with me at all times. Unless I was in a class that they weren't enrolled in. It felt good to constantly be surrounded by them. 

It was Friday evening and I was on my way home from class. The trees had begun to change colors and the air had become cooler. Luckily being a werewolf meant I always ran warm so even the fall air felt more like summer weather. I could see the dorm building ahead of me and I began to quicken my pace. Out of the corner of my eye I saw two large figures appear behind me. It was hard to make out their appearance without fully turning around to look. It felt like they were getting closer. Their pace seemed to match mine so I walked a little faster. I could hear their foot steps start to speed up and a wave of anxiety washed over me.

"Dill you need to get out of here now!" Blue sounded frantic.

"Why what's going on?!" 

"I don't know but it's not safe! Run!" Blue pleaded.

The sound of Blue's frantic voice sent shivers down my spine. Before I could even think about it I started to sprint towards the dorms not once looking behind me. The foot steps behind me stopped as I burst through the dorms double doors. My heart was pounding in my chest as I stood inside the empty foyer. Taking a deep breath I slowly turned towards the double doors. Squinting my eyes I looked for any trace of the people that had been following me. I was a little relieved when I saw no trace of anyone. 

"Where'd they go?" 

"I don't know I can't feel them anymore just get inside and lock the door"

Just as I made it in to the hallway I saw a frantic Alex burst through our door. She ran towards me her eyes were wide and I could see a layer of sweat coating her face. When she was only inches away from me she flung her arms tightly around my waist. 

"Dill are you okay?!" She was frantically looking over me.

"Yeah I'm alright lets get inside and I'll tell you what happened." I said pulling her inside. Once the door locked I felt like I could breathe. 

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