Chapter 9: Meet the Parents

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Harley's POV - Thursday September 29th 2022:

"Come on sweetheart Reese and Charlie are waiting for us in the car." I said as I poked my head into the bathroom. My mate was still fussing with her hair and makeup. 

We were getting ready to head over to meet Dylan's parents. It had been a couple weeks since we had spoken to our daughters. We were thrilled to find out that they had met their third mate. Meeting their third mate meant we could step down and let the three of them take over. The only problem though was finding out that Dylan hadn't met her wolf yet. After the phone call with our daughter's we had spent the week digging up anything we could possibly find on Dylan and her family. So far all we had come up with was where her parents lived and her schooling transcripts. Other than that Dylan's family were like a bunch of ghosts. We didn't even know what pack they belonged to or if they belonged to one for that matter. 

"I'm coming." Scarlett let out a huff. I could tell she was nervous and was just trying to look her best. 

"You look gorgeous sweetheart." I said and I intertwined our fingers. I placed a kiss a top her head before gently leading her towards the car waiting for us outside.

We made our way towards the black Jeep Wrangler. I opened the back passenger side door so my mate could get in. Charlie was in the drivers seat and Reese was waiting in the back seat. Scarlett was really close to Reese so the two used any excuse to hang out together. Sometimes it felt like Scarlett spent more time with Reese than she did with me. In her defense I was usually really busy just like Charlie. When we merged the territories Charlie and I had become closer since we spent most of our time working together. So it made sense that we had become so close. I climbed into the passenger seat at the front, settling beside Charlie. 

"So are we really not going to embarrass the girls?" Charlie said as a devious smile spread across her face.

"I wasn't the one who said we couldn't" I said glancing in the rear view mirror. 

"Both of you will behave yourselves" Reese said with her arms tightly crossed.

"If they don't behave I have no problem dragging them out by their ears" Scarlett said as she glared at me through the rear view mirror. Reese tried to hide her laughter behind her hand. Charlie and I both swallowed hard.

"Are you guys ready to go?" Charlie said hesitantly.

When everyone said a collective yes she pulled away from the curb. It would be a short car ride as we had flown into Trent the previous night. We stayed at a local hotel so we wouldn't have to travel as far. The hotel was very small as Trent wasn't a very big town. I was honestly surprised they even had a hotel. However the venue was gorgeous and maintained very well. There was a nervous energy that seemed to settle over everyone. We needed to get to the bottom of who Dylan was. It was highly unusual for werewolves to live basically unknown. The fact that they were hidden so well made me think they were hiding from something. Which brought more questions to the table. We pulled into a small neighborhood all of the houses seemed to be either town houses or duplexes. All the properties were manicured to perfection. Charlie slowed the car as we pulled up to the house that looked like Dylan's.

"So I was thinking Charlie and I could do most of the talking. It'll be easier than us all talking at once. If you want to ask questions just mind link me so I can let you jump in." Everyone nodded in agreement as I began to get out of the vehicle. 

The four of us approached the house. It had a small walk way that lead from the drive way to the house. On either sides of the walk way were gorgeous flower beds. There were flowers of all different colors, they blended together perfectly. When we arrived at the door I took a deep breath before knocking a few times. The house sounded silent for a moment before I picked up on the sound of foot steps. Shortly after the door opened and in the door way stood a large man. He had dark brown wavy hair that was long on the top and faded on the sides. He must of been at least 6'4 with large muscles that strained against his t-shirt.

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