Chapter 5: Panic

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Ivy's POV - Saturday September 17th 2022:

My mind was spinning as I stood in the middle of the football field. Aria and I stood there in deafening silence as we watched Dylan jog off into the distance. When Dylan had fallen on top of me it was like the world stood still. The feeling of her weight on top of her was both arousing and soothing all at the same time. It was the same feeling I had when Aria and I were intimate. I never thought it was possible for me to feel that same feeling with another woman. But here I was wishing that Dylan hadn't taken of like a rocket the minute she got off of me. My wolf Mia had been going ballistic when Dylan's body had been pressed up against mine. For a moment Dylan has seemed like she had been perfectly content laying on top of me. Our eyes had been locked neither one of us seemed to want to break the contact. That's when I saw the sudden flash of panic in her eyes. When Dylan had gotten up I didn't see her check her phone. It seemed as if she just needed an excuse to leave in that moment. 

"What the hell just happened?" Aria said looking from Ivy and back towards the direction Dylan took off in. 

"I - I don't know. I'm just as confused as you are. All I know is that she was on top of me staring into my eyes and the next she's pulling me up off the ground and running away." Ivy rambled as she recalled the events.

"Go after her." Mia whined.

"Ugh I think it's my fault. I caught her staring at you earlier and I made a comment." Aria said as she buried her face in her hands. 

"What did you say to her..." the words came out like a growl. 

"I just said that she was allowed to look at you.... Wait hold on are you turned on right now?" Aria said as she smelt the air. 

My cheeks instantly started to burn bright red at the comment. 

"Aria she was literally on top of me. Of course I'm turned on you know exactly what the mate bond feels like." I turned around trying not to give Aria the satisfaction of seeing me all flustered.

"If it make's you feel any better she was aroused as well I can still smell her. One of the many perks of being a werewolf." Aria said with a wink.

I stood there pondering what my mate had just said. Clearly I had been too distracted by the situation to notice Dylan's arousal. However if what Aria was saying was true than maybe that's why Dylan took off. Maybe she was embarrassed. She knew that Aria and I would be able to tell she was turned on as well. That would make the most sense anyway. I knew she definitely wasn't getting medicine for her brother. I saw Dylan toss her phone in her gym bag before the two had started playing football. There's no way she was even near her phone when everything happened. 

"Do you think that's why she left? I mean I know she didn't get a text from her brother. She put her phone in her bag before you two started playing"

"I mean it could be why she left. Maybe one of us should stop by her place. Just to check on her." 

"Can I do it?" I said as I put on my best puppy dog eyes.

"Hmmm I guess but I'm going to need some kisses first." Aria said as she pulled Ivy into her arms pressing kisses all over her face. 

Dylan's POV:

My heart was pounding as my door slammed behind me. When the cool air in my bedroom hit me goose bumps immediately pebbled all over my skin. I decided I needed to take a shower so I could take care of the situation between my legs. As I crossed my room to the bathroom I started to undressed. Tossing articles of clothing until I was down to my boxers. I stood in the bathroom facing the mirror. My eye's wandered over my body until they landed on the bulge between my legs. Surprisingly running away had done nothing to get my friend to go away. I closed my eye's thinking back to when Ivy was underneath me.

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