Chapter 16: Wet

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Dylan's POV - Friday October 7th 2022: 

Thankfully my mates stopped teasing me long enough to get back to campus. When we pulled into the parking lot I swear they ran out of the car. All three of them were standing beside my door before I could even turn the car off. Aria yanked the door open as I turned the ignition off. Her hand wrapped around my forearm yanking me out of the car.

"Geez you are stronger than you look" Her hand felt like it had a death grip on my arm. 

Without saying a word she dragged me towards the dorms. Aria and Alex trailed behind us, their fingers were intertwined. Any time I saw them give each other any sort of affection a warmth would spread in my chest. We made it back to the dorms in 5 minutes flat. Which in hindsight was extremely fast seeing as it took us 10 minutes to walk to the car. When we got into our dorms hall we all stopped for a moment. 

"Wait who's place are we going to?" Aria asked 

"Who has the most space?" Alex said with a wink.

"I think Aria and I do. Mum got us a California king sized bed before we moved in here." Alex's mouth hung open slightly.

"Well I guess that decides it" Alex said as she walked towards their room. 

"Wait I have a few bottles of wine back at my place. Do you want me to grab them?" I said stopping in the hall.

"We can have that later" Aria said as she bit her lip.

We followed Alex to the room. Ivy was fumbling with her keys trying to get the door unlocked. When she finally unlocked the door, Aria yanked me through. The sudden pull put me off balance a bit and I tripped over my own feet. My body made a loud thud as I crashed into the floor. 

"That's one way to make an entrance" Alex smirked at me as she helped me up off the floor. 

"Sorry I may have gotten a little too excited" Aria's face flushed with blush. 

Everything felt like it was moving too fast. Yes I wanted to move forward intimately with my mates, but it was starting to feel a little too rushed. 

"Can we slow down a bit?"

"Of course sweetheart" Ivy gave my arm a loving squeeze.

"We will go at whatever pace you want" Alex placed a soft kiss on my cheek

"Why don't you go get the bottles of wine you bought. Take a minute to catch your breath and then come back." Aria said giving me a warm hug. With a quick nod I made my way towards my room leaving my mates behind. 

Alex's POV:

"Okay ladies I think we need a better approach" I said as we walked through Aria and Ivy's front door.

"Yeah I think I may have jumped the gun a tiny bit. Emmy has been fighting with me to take control. Maybe one of you guys can take the lead on this?" Aria said as a light blush covered her cheeks. 

"Jumped the gun a tiny bit? You literally made her fall on her face you were so excited" Ivy laughed. 

"Well can you blame me? I'm sure both of you want to jump her as bad as I do."

"I mean she's not wrong. Maybe we should just let Dill take charge of the situation." I said remembering the confidence Dylan had back at the beach.

"Yeah I agree with Alex. I think the more we push the more hesitant she's going to be. Let's just enjoy a glass of wine together and go from there." Ivy said as she took a seat on the couch.

"Great idea Iv. We should get changed though. I don't know about you guys but I have sand everywhere." Sand felt like it was all over me at the moment.

"If you want you can shower. There's a bathroom in the spare bedroom. Towels should be hanging on the back of the door." Aria said as she led me towards the spare bedroom. I grabbed my gym bag before following her towards the room. 

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