Chapter 2: Grey Eyes

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Dylan's POV - Monday September 5th 2022:

When Ivy's hand wrapped around mine it felt like electricity was running through my body. The feeling went through my body settling between my legs. The sensation was so strong I needed to pull my hand away as the feeling was overwhelming. The feeling was similar to the one that I felt whenever Alex and I made contact. It made me think about what a mate bond might feel like. Werewolves like other magical creatures have mates. However since I have yet to meet my wolf I wasn't sure if I would actually feel that connection. Finding your mate was supposed to be the most life altering feeling. It made me nervous not having my wolf yet. What if I passed by my mate because my wolf hadn't surfaced yet.

I gently pulled my hand away from Ivy's as I cleared my throat. "So I'm assuming you are a student here as well?" I asked nervously as I watched Ivy scanning my face with a thoughtful expression. Her eyes never leaving mine.

"Yeah it's actually my second year here. I'm just helping out with the orientation." Ivy smiled and I watched as her fingers gently pushed some stray hairs back behind her ear. 

"Is this your first year here?" She asked. Her eyes were locked onto mine. 

"Yeah I just arrived here today." I nodded I could feel a slight blush start to spread across my cheeks as she stared into my eyes. 

"Are you enjoying the campus so far?" Ivy said as she tucked a strand of hair behind her ear.

"So far yes. What are you up to?" I said eying  the stack of papers in her hands.

"I'm actually supposed to be giving tours right now." She said as she glanced down at her watch.

"I should probably get going though I didn't realize I was running behind. It was nice seeing you again Dylan maybe we will bump into each other again." Ivy gave her a small smile before walking back into the large crowd. Her fingers tips brushed against my arm as she passed by. I couldn't help but watch her as she disappeared.

"Sorry I took so long there was quite the line." Alex said I jumped not realizing she had walked up beside me.

"Was that the girl from the mall?" Alex asked excitedly.

"Yeah it was." I said with a sigh. The suddenly I had the urge to ask Alex a question we hadn't talked about much.

"When do you think we will find our mates?" Alex looked at me with a confused look on her face. 

"Where did that come from Dill?"  She said as she chewed her lip. I don't know why but I found it incredibly attractive. 

I ran my fingers nervously through my hair. "It's just I had this weird feeling both times I saw Ivy and when we shook hands it was like a jolt of electricity." A slow smile started to creep over Alex's face as she realized why I was asking that question. 

"You want it to be her don't you?" I didn't even need to respond for Alex to know the answer to that question. 

"I don't know when we will find them but unlike you I will at least know when I find mine." She winked at Dylan. 

"It's not fair that I'm just in the dark. How am I supposed to know who to go after?" I huffed. 

Alex just shrugged "I'm not sure but maybe whoever your mate is will just come to you. Maybe it is Ivy and maybe it's not. All you can do is try." 

Alex was right if I didn't try then nothing would happen. I had to at least get out there a bit and who knows maybe I'll stumble across her. Not that I was in a rush to meet my mate. I knew that I'd meet her when the time was right. There was just one thing that made me nervous to meet my mate. Something that only my family knew about. 

The Wolf Inside MeOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz