Chapter 34: Tragedy

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Jenny's POV - Friday December 16th 2022:

I held Astrid's sleeping body close to my chest as Aria carried us through the castle. I couldn't get myself to shift back into my wolf form. The need to be with Astrid was too over powering. She was so much smaller than she used to be. Her body seemed to wither away since she was no longer using her muscles. She was still her usual height but she had lost so much weight that I could pick her up with ease. Eighteen years ago however I wouldn't have been able to, not in my human form anyway.

 As Aria raced through the castle the smell of blood assaulted my senses. There were so many bodies littered through out the castle. Most of them seemed to be wolves, which meant most of the vampires had survived. Aria came to a grinding halt when I saw a familiar head of brown hair. I gasped when he lifted his head up from the ground. Covered in blood laid Jason, his body was ripped open in various places. A wave of nausea hit me as I stared down at him. 

"Jason?!" I screamed as a wolf lunged towards us.

Alex jumped in between us and the wolf knocking him to the ground. Claire jumped off of Alex's back as the wolf squared off with Alex. He lunged towards Alex, going for her throat. He missed but his teeth still dug deeply into her shoulder. She quickly turned her head to the side her jaw wrapping around his neck. With a swift motion she ripped the wolf off of her, tossing him against a wall. A loud crack rang through the castle as the wolf crumpled to the floor. Alex limped back towards us, her shoulder was oozing blood. 

"Let me stop the bleeding" Claire said resting a hand against Alex.

The air around us began to feel charged as Claire cast a healing spell. Alex's wound stopped bleeding however it wasn't fully healed. 

"The wound is deep I'll heal it fully when we get back" Claire said, Alex just nodded at her. 

I turned back towards Jason who's head was now lifted slightly off the ground. His face was covered in blood but he had a slight smile on his face when he saw us. 

"Alex! Get Jason out of here! Please!" I sobbed as the tears began streaming down my face. 

"I-It's okay m-my love you have A-Astrid now" Jason said as blood filled his throat. 

"I'm not leaving you here! Now please someone do something!" I yelled.

"I-It's o-okay sweetheart. T-take care o-of Dill and W-Wilder for me o-okay?" He said coughing up blood. 

"N-No don't say that y-your going to be okay" I sobbed.

"I-It's m-my time m-my love. Just r-remember I-I love you o-okay? He spoke as his throat filled with blood.

"I love you too Jason" His eyes closed with a smile and his head fell back to the ground. 

Claire who was on Alex's back cast a levitation spell. Jason began to float over to Alex. Once he was directly above her Claire began to lower him onto Alex's back. Alex let out a low grunt when the extra weight settled onto her back. After a minute of adjusting they bolted our of the castle. They ran as fast as they could never once looking back. It had felt like they had been running for an hour even though it had only been minutes. The black SUV's came into view along with the Witches who had been waiting patiently. 

"We need help!" I screamed pulling the attention of the witches. 

Two witches ran towards Alex when they saw Jason's lifeless body hanging off of her. They carefully laid Jason onto the ground and began casting healing spells. The blood stopped pouring out of him but he remained unmoving. I gripped onto Astrid as I watched them try to heal him. Aria couldn't stop shifting uneasily which wasn't helping. 

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