Chapter 38: Double Date pt.1

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Dylan's POV - Friday December 23rd 2022: 

Everyone gathered in the living room, Everette had agreed to staying back to keep an eye on Astrid. Mum was uneasy about leaving Astrid still but I was glad she had agreed to tag along. If anyone needed this it was her. We were still waiting on Wilder and Raine to make their way down. It had actually surprised me a bit that he wanted to hangout with my mates and I. Since finding my mates he hadn't really tried to get to know them. I understood that he was distracted by Raine but it still hurt that he wasn't around. On the other hand I also didn't put in a huge effort to get him to hang out with us. Now that was going to change I was going to make sure that I was there for Wilder no matter what. I even wanted to get to know Raine more especially after she helped us rescue Ivy and Astrid. 

"Everyone ready to head out?" Wilder said as he walked into the room, Raine followed closely behind him. 

"We've been ready for the last ten minutes little brother" I chuckled while giving him a little shove. 

"Hey it's not my fault I couldn't find a bathing suit anywhere. I'm going to have to wear my basketball shorts to go in." 

"Does Raine need a bathing suit?" Ivy asked. 

"It's okay I don't have to go in" Raine said chewing her lower lip. 

"Don't be silly I have an extra one. Just come with me, you can change in our room." Ivy said as she made her way towards the bedroom.

"Thanks Ivy I appreciate it" Raine said as she followed Ivy towards the bedroom. 

"Who's watching Jayden?" I asked scanning the room for my little girl. 

"I'm on Jayden duty" Harley said standing up from the couch. 

I hadn't even noticed Harley sitting on the couch. When she turned around I saw Jay fast asleep in her arms. Every time I saw Jayden a smile would form on my lips. All I wanted to do was spend everyday with my little girl but I knew today was about my mates. I needed to let her grandparents take her for the day and focus on my relationship. 

"Are you bringing her to the beach?" 

"Yes we have a beach tent so she can sleep and stay out of the sun" Harley said as she rocked Jayden in her arms. 

After a few moments Raine and Ivy returned. Raine was now in a beach wrap and I could see the strings of a bikini poking out. It made me happy seeing my mates help out Wilder's mate. Even after everything that had happened we had welcomed Raine in with open arms. She never once broke her promise to help us. Raine in my opinion had fully earned my trust and I would protect her like she was one of my own. 

"Alright everyone lets head to the beach" I announced making my way to the front door.

"When are you going to let me take control?" Blue whimpered.

"Definitely not today. I need to be present today but soon I promise."  

"Fiiiine but it better actually be soon I want to mate with our mates." Blue huffed. 

"You really do have a one track mind" I said rolling my eyes. 

"Says the woman who can get laid whenever she pleases" I couldn't help but smirk at the comment. 

As we made our way through the forest I took the time to actually enjoy the scenery. The forest was beautiful the trees went up so high you couldn't see the tops. The sunlight peered through the gaps between the trees. Sunlight warmed our skin as we trekked through the woods. Ivy decided she wanted sit on my shoulders all the way to the beach. Which was kind of funny since she looked like she was so high off the ground.

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