Chapter 36: First Time

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Dylan's POV - Friday December 23rd 2022:

A week had gone by since we had returned to Gabriela's. Astrid still hadn't woken up and my mom never once left her side. I had started to bring meals to her bedroom door since she had refused to leave the room. I hadn't even seen her I would just knock and place the tray outside the door. Gabriela repeatedly told her that Astrid would wake up in her own time but my mum still refused to leave the room. My mates and I had spent most of the time taking turns looking after Jayden. Ivy and I never did get to finish what we had started back in the trailer. Even though I really wanted to, the second we had gotten back to Gabriela's I was hit with an overwhelming sadness. Ivy had made me forget about my dads death briefly while we were in the trailer. However when we returned reality hit me hard. Seeing my dad's body being moved from the back of the SUV brought back every ounce of sadness. The only thing that had been able to distract me from that was Jayden. I was so mesmerized by the little girl, she had completely wrapped me around her little finger. It was pretty bad even my mates were starting to get a little bothered.

"Soooo when are we going to get sometime with you?" Alex said raising an eyebrow.

"Huh? What do you mean? We are always together." I said as I tickled Jayden's tummy.

"Okay yes we are always together but I meant like alone. You know without Jayden. We miss you." Alex pouted.

"Jayden isn't in bed with us at night" I said as Jayden giggled up at me.

"We want to have sex with you. It feels a little weird doing it with Jayden in the room." Aria cut in as she entered the room.

"Language Aria!" I scolded. 

"She's a baby she doesn't know what I'm saying" Aria scoffed with her arms wrapped tightly against her chest. 

"Plus we haven't slept together since before Ivy was taken. We need to reconnect I feel like I haven't been intimate with any of you in so long. Which is not normal at all, especially since we should still be wanting to tear each others clothes off." Alex said her eyes drifting up and down Aria's body. 

"There's just been a lot going on my loves. It's not that I don't want that I do. I'm just having a hard time leaving Jayden with someone who isn't us. Plus Ivy is also having a hard time with it as well." I said as I rested Jayden against my chest. 

"Actually I talked to my parents and they are going to take Jayden for the night" Ivy said as she walked through the bedroom door.

"Were you listening to our whole conversation?" Alex asked with an amused look on her face. 

"Well yeah I was gone for so long I don't really want to miss out on anything else" Ivy said wrapping her arms around Alex's waist. 

"To be fair you didn't miss out on much. We were too sad to do anything other than figure out how to get you back." Aria said as her eyes began to fill with tears. 

"Aria's right we were miserable without you and Dylan wasn't even around that much" Alex said as she rubbed Ivy's back.

"It's not like I wanted to be away from you guys. I just needed to do something to try to get her back." I said as I brought Jayden over to her crib. 

"So what's this about your parents watching Jay?" I asked with a raised brow. 

"Well actually they are going to take her now. They think it's a good idea if we spend time together. With everything that happened they said we deserve a little bit of a break. So I already got Jayden's things ready and was actually about to take her down to them." Ivy said as she walked to the crib.

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