Chapter 7: Confessions

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Aria's POV - Saturday September 17th 2022:

After our shower Ivy and I got ready for our date with Dylan. I was surprisingly nervous which wasn't a feeling I usually felt. I had already gone through the mating process with Ivy, so this shouldn't be anymore nerve wracking than that. But for some reason I had a feeling that something was going to happen. My wolf Emmy was even more restless than when we were around Dylan. As I was getting dressed I heard a knock at the front door. I made my way towards the door as I yanked my jeans over my hips. When I opened the door my mouth dropped open and my heart pounded in my ears. Standing on the other side of the door way was a gorgeous girl with lavender hair. Her eyes were also a bright lavender color. She was taller than me with an athletic build. She was wearing a white crop top that clung tightly to her. As my eyes trailed down her body they landed on her exposed stomach. My breathing hitched and my mouth felt like it was starting to water. Her abs looked as though they were sculpted from marble. They looked firm yet soft. Emmy started to go crazy at the sight of her.

"Mate!"  Emmy yelped.

"Hey I'm Alex" She said with a smile that made my heart stop.

"H-hi I'm Aria" I said with a shaky voice. 

Ivy must of sensed my nervousness because a moment later she was beside me. Her eyes were wide and her mouth hung open slightly. The sound of Ivy's heart pounding in her chest seemed to drown out any other sound. We both just stood there not knowing what to say or do. How could we have a fourth mate? Was that even possible? I know two mates are definitely possible but I hadn't heard of anyone having three. Not that I'm complaining but this just seemed completely unreal. 

"This is Ivy" I said motioning to the red head not taking my eyes off Alex. She nodded giving Ivy a warm smile. 

"I uh kind of already know who you guys are. Well I know who Ivy is." Alex said as she fidgeted with her fingers. "Dylan is my best friend and I'm assuming you two figured out she's our other mate." 

"Wait Dylan told me she doesn't have a mate and how did you know we were all mates?" Ivy said with a confused look.

"She technically doesn't. Well she doesn't know that she does." Alex had a look of guilt etched onto her face. 

"Why doesn't she know?" I said I was growing more confused.

"Well me and Dill grew up together. I've known her my entire life. I met my wolf River right before the end of our senior year. When I went to tell Dill about it River told me she was my mate. I kind of panicked and didn't tell her because she hadn't met her wolf yet. She's also my best friend and it scares me to cross that line. I still don't know how to tell her and then we saw you guys at the mall and her wolf still didn't surface. She was literally surrounded by three mates and nothing happened." Alex sighed she looked like her heart was breaking. 

"We were wondering the same thing about her wolf I mean." Ivy said quietly

"Wait you were at the mall to?" I couldn't believe we hadn't seen her there.

"Yeah when I saw Ivy walking towards us I kind of ducked out. I didn't want her to find out that way. I wasn't sure if you were going to say anything about it." Alex said chewing on her lip.

"It doesn't make sense that she hasn't met her wolf yet. She's 18 she should of met her by now." I said as I rubbed my temples. 

"Yeah I'm not sure why her wolf isn't coming through yet, but my wolf River has been begging me to tell her and I just can't bring myself to do it. Now that I've waited so long I'm worried she will be upset with me. I know she really wants to find her mate and she's already self conscious that she hasn't met her wolf yet. I just needed to at least meet you guys and explain myself." Alex let out a deep breath. 

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