Chapter 12: Lycan

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Dylan POV - Friday September 30th 2022: 

My mom stood in front of me with wide eyes, her mouth gaped open. My dad on the other hand stood there with a proud smile on his face. The two shorter women behind her had smirks on their lips. However the two taller women did not look impressed by the situation. Which baffled me since they were the ones who walked into my room. Also how the fuck did they get in here in the first place. 

"What are you doing here?!" My voice came out louder than I meant. 

"Mom?!" Aria and Ivy said together. 

Aria stared at my mom with her mouth slightly agape. Ivy's face was as red as her hair and Alex sat frozen on my lap. Her head snapped back towards me looking completely mortified. She buried her face into the crook of my neck trying to hide her face. My mom brought her hands to her face to cover her eyes. I'm assuming seeing her daughter being intimate with three women was the last thing she wanted to see. That's what she gets for walking in unannounced.

"I needed to talk to you about something. When we got here your door was slightly open so we just walked in." My moms face burned a bright red.

"Ugh just kill me now!" I muttered to myself. Alex gave me a quick peck before getting off my lap.

"Hey Mrs.Avery..." Alex said as she faced my mom. Her cheeks burned a bright red as she reached out to shake my moms hand. 

"Since when do we shake hands?" My mom had a smirk on her face as she looked Alex up and down. 

With that she pulled Alex into a tight hug. I could see her visibly relax in my moms embrace. The scene made my heart flutter. When I glanced over at my other two mates I noticed that they were glaring at their parents. Both of their faces still burning bright red. Ivy looked as if she was going to kill someone. Aria on the other hand let a low growl slip out of her.

"Aria Bennett you did not just growl at me!" A woman with long silver hair barked. 

"Mom! You literally just walked into her dorm!" Aria yelled.

"You guys promised you wouldn't embarrass us!" Ivy said through gritted teeth.

"You will watch your tone Ivy Grey! We will not be disrespected!" The tall brunette said to her daughter.

You could cut the tension with a knife. Aria and Ivy glared at their moms from across the room. Their mothers didn't back down, low growls ripped through their throats. My dad was the first to break the silence. 

"I think we all just need to calm down. How about we wait outside for a few minutes. We can talk once everyone takes a breather." My dad said with his hands raised. The proud smile that was on his face was now gone. 

"Thanks dad" I mumbled as herded the five women towards the front door.

The six of them left the room. Aria and Ivy's moms walked through the front door with clenched fists. The room went silent no one dared to speak. Alex walked back towards the couch, settling back onto my lap. My other two mates both let out long sighs as they snuggled up against me. As I sat there my mind began to spin. I couldn't believe that all of our parents minus Alex's had just walked in on us. Being embarrassed was an understatement to how I felt right now. This was probably the most embarrassing thing to ever happen to me. 

"Soooooo?" Alex hummed.

"Ugh can this get any worse?" I said rubbing my face. 

"You mean worse than your mother seeing you cum? No I don't think it can." Alex stifled a laugh as I glared at her.

"I'm so sorry Dill. I literally told them not to do anything embarrassing." Ivy groaned. 

"You guys knew they were coming?" 

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