16- Sessions I

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Sweating, panting, biting bottom lips. Thats how Tiffany's condition right now.

Her both hands clenching on the bedsheet as she closed her eyes, feeling the pleasure that Taeyeon gave down there.

"Hmm, damn you taste so great" Taeyeon said before going back to her business, licking Tiffany's pussy.

"Ahh.." Tiffany moaned as Taeyeon teased her by licking slowly.

Taeyeon smirked when she looked up, seeing Tiffany becomes like that because of her really boost her confidence.

Taeyeon then entered her tongue slowly into Tiffany, Tiffany rolled her eyes feeling it. At first, Taeyeon moved her tongue in and out in a very slow and gentle way. After few minutes, she started increasing her movement.

"Ahh.. Tae" Tiffany moaned again when Taeyeon began to thrust her tongue faster.

Tiffany palmed her mouth as she tried to control her moan, and closed her eyes tightly, but feeling Taeyeon's thrust became harder, she released her moans.

"Ughh! fasttteeer ahh.." Moan after moan, thrust after thrust, as the wetness become more from Tiffany.

Taeyeon pushed her tongue further inside while sucking her pussy hardly. Her action causing Tiffany to gasp loudly and arched her back till she locked her legs around Taeyeon's neck

"Ahh! shit!" Tiffany moaned as she released her cum.

Taeyeon pulled out her tongue and smirked seeing Tiffany's cum flowing out.

"Wonderful" Taeyeon proudly said. "How does it feel?" She asked the breathless Tiffany.

"Good.. It feels good" Tiffany smiled and pulled Taeyeon up to her.

"Hmm, should I give you more?" Taeyeon asked and nibbling Tiffany's right ear.

Tiffany's right hand searched for Taeyeon's erection, once she touched it, she began to stroke it up and down.

"Hmmp" Taeyeon moaned feeling the touch.

"You're big, I wonder how does it feel if its inside" Tiffany murmured as she continued stroking and sometimes squeezing Taeyeon's cock.

"Trust me, you'll be sent to heaven" Taeyeon chuckled.

"Then, would you?" Tiffany asked.

"What?" Taeyeon asked and looked at her eyes.

"Would you send me to heaven?" Tiffany asked.

"If you want me to" Taeyeon replied.

"Lets do it.." Tiffany said and slowly bring Taeyeon's cock near her dripping pussy. She rubbed the tip of Taeyeon's cock in her entrance first.

"You should stop the tease now" Taeyeon said as she have a feeling that she wouldn't be able to control herself for any longer.

Tiffany giggled and nodded her head. She looked down on their both part, slowly she put Taeyeon's hard erection into her hole.

"Ahh.. Hmp" Tiffany closed her eyes and pressed her back head to the pillow when half of Taeyeon's erection went inside her.

Taeyeon then pulled Tiffany's hand from her cock to her shoulder.

"Hold onto me" Taeyeon said which Tiffany obeyed as she held both of Taeyeon's shoulders.

"Why- ugh.. are you so.. hmmm big?" Tiffany whined as she feel Taeyeon keep going deep inside.

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