6- Dirty Secret I

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"There she is!"

A tall girl giggled as she walked into the cafeteria, spotting another girl sitting by the windows. The girl by the windows seemed lost in thoughts. With light steps, the girl crept towards her and once she got close enough, placed both hands on her shoulders.

"Taeyeon-ah!" This snapped the girl back to reality and caused her to jump a little.

"Oh my god! Tiffany, you scared me!" Taeyeon, the seated girl, sent a glare towards the newcomer.

Tiffany giggled, taking a seat opposite the older girl. Stirring her latte, she took a small sip before smiling back at the older girl.

"What are you thinking about? You were so into it, you didn't hear me come over!" Tiffany chuckled, tucking a few loose strands of hair behind her ears.

The older sighed, taking a sip of her warm coffee before setting it down, pushing it aside.

"It's just.. my wife is off to America for the whole month. It's only been a day but I miss her so much already!" Taeyeon pouted, upset to be separated from her wife.

'Oh.. her wife is gone for a month?' Tiffany bit her lip, excited by the development.

The thing is, Tiffany had a crush on Taeyeon for the longest time possible. However, each time she wanted to make a move on the older girl, she was reminded of the fact that Taeyeon was married.

Shaking off the thoughts, Tiffany patted the older one on her shoulder, giving a warm smile.

"Aww that's sad. But don't worry! You still have pictures of her right? Also, you could video call her if you miss her!" Tiffany suggested, hoping it would cheer the older girl up.

"I do have pictures, but it's not the same you know? There isn't any physical contact, something that is really important to me"

Tiffany knew exactly what Taeyeon meant, blushing a little as she heard her words.

"Why are you blushing though?" Taeyeon stared at the younger with curious eyes.

Tiffany turned even redder on knowing she got caught. Waving her hand quickly, she chuckled nervously. "I-It's nothing! I just thought how lucky your wife is to have you" taking the chance, Tiffany placed her hand on Taeyeon's arm momentarily, giving it a gentle squeeze before pulling away.

It was Taeyeon's turn to chuckle. "You remind me so much of her, Tiffany"

"Oh? And how so?" Tiffany's curiosity rose, wanting to know.

Looking her up and down, Taeyeon chuckled again. "You both are about the same height, you both have the same hairstyle, your body shape is.."

The older woman stopped herself, finding it inappropriate that she was about to comment on her colleague's body.

"You were saying?" Tiffany batted her eyelashes at the older, encouraging her to continue.

"Uh.. nothing important! Oh geez, look at the time! Lunch is over, I have to go!" Taeyeon scrambled from her seat as fast as she could, rushing off from the cafeteria.

Tiffany giggled as she watched the older leave quickly. "So cute.."


Tiffany opened the front door of her home, stepping inside. Work was done, and she was more than happy to be back home. Dropping her handbag onto the floor, she walked towards her bedroom, wanting to pick out a fresh set of clothes.

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