3- My Sister's Bestfriend IV

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"Taetae come on let's go out" I said with a pout.

How can someone be on their honeymoon in New York and all they want to do is stay in the hotel room?

"Not now Fany-ah I'm tired from the flight. Can we sleep in today and go out tomorrow?" She asked me while lying on the bed sprawled like a starfish.

"If you don't want to come with me it's fine. I'm going out anyway whether you come or not" I said getting up, walking towards the door.

"Fany-ah wait! Give me 15 minutes to get ready. I'll come with you"

I smirked as Taeyeon rushed into the bathroom.

When the fifteen minutes passed we had already left the hotel and we're now walking in New York City. I don't know if it's because we're in a foreign country or because her own sister confessed having a crush on me on our wedding but Taeyeon is more clingy than usual. She always had her hand around my waist holding me tightly as if she was afraid I'd get lost.

"Omo Fany look!" She said jumping up and down pointing at a candy shop. "Can we go in?" She looked at me with her puppy eyes and I couldn't say no even if I wanted to.


She immediately unwrapped her arm from my waist, held my hand with it and started running towards the shop. She was going around looking at all the flavors so I went to look around on my own. When I found Taeyeon again a few minutes later she was holding three bags filled with different kinds of jelly.

"Taetae what's is all that?!" I asked and I'm sure my eyes were about to pop out.

"I only chose the most important ones Fany-ah and some kinds that we don't have in Korea and I have to try them"

I shook my head at her answer.

"But that's three bags!" I nearly yelled at her.

"Oh there's more. I just left them at the counter I couldn't possibly carry all these bags with me"


She just smiled at me and started walking towards the counter, where I saw the cashier handing her other three bags.

"Oh hell no! You're not buying six bags of jelly Kim Taeyeon" I scolded her.

And she answered with the most adorable pout and the best pleading look she could give me. Stay strong Tiffany, do not give in to her pout she must not win this time.. Oh who the fuck am I kidding?

I turned towards the cashier. "How much are these?" I asked pointing to the six full bags of jelly making Taeyeon jump around like a happy kid.

"Your sister is very cute" The cashier told me after handing me the newly purchased jelly while checking Taeyeon out.

"Thanks but she's my wife and I'd prefer it if you kept your eyes off her" I answered and pulled Taeyeon out of the shop. "No more jelly for you. At least not from that shop" I said to Taeyeon and started walking away from her.

"Fany wait! Slow down, I don't speak English! All I know how to say is hello, goodmoning, shit, fuck and amajing.."

When I heard her I stopped walking and burst into laughter instead.

"We really need to do something about that" I said and gave her a peck.

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