13- The Widow III

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The morning after they had sex, when Taeng woke up, Tiffany was nowhere to be seen. He was a bit disappointed because he kind of hoped to see her face closely for a bit more, until either both of them turned around and walked away realizing how absurd what they had just did the other night.

But then he thought it was for the best too, to avoid the awkwardness at least, moreover because they're working together.

Realizing that, he took a deep breath and runs his palm down his face. Now how is he going to stop himself from wanting to fuck her again whenever she walked passed by him at school or at home?

But then would she ever want it to happen again? She might look eager the other night, but it was before they did it, maybe it was just out of her curiosity, maybe girls have that phase to, wanting to get involved with much older person, Taeng had that too, long time ago when he was just a hormonal teenagers.

The thought made him chuckled, then tiredly sighed.

He's 27, and he's older, what would he expect? Should he consider this as one night stand?

He chuckled again, he's clearly too old for having one night stands, that's why he rather go on dates rather than go to some place like what his friends recommended him to do, to hook up with girls, had a good sex then decides on what to do about them later on, something like friends with benefits like that?

Besides, it's not like he or her wanted to have something going on between them after this right? Its just sex.. he said to himself, a good one.. he continued.

And again, how the heck he'd stop thinking about having himself in her now that he knows how good it feels?

After that night, things went just like the usual for both of them, he didn't do anything or say anything about that night so does she, and they live their life like nothing happened.

They work like usual, although they tried to avoid being just alone in a room. They interact with each other like usual, a formal way kind of usual. They live their personal life like the usual.

After that night he went to several date set by his friends again and she too enjoyed her dates with her official boyfriend doing what people in relationship does, including yes, whenever they were on the mood, sex.

But somehow, Tiffany doesn't feel fine. Of course she satisfied, he made her cum, the sex was good, he was good, he's everything in the criteria of a man she'd wanted to date.

But the spark, it seems like she lost it. The excitement, the giddy feeling from the way her boyfriend looked at her, the way he touched her, its gone, and alas, it seems like she feels it with his boss instead.

She tried to ignore it, to shrugs it off, thinking that it might just a caught in a moment spark, nothing serious, so she should just forget it.

Until she realized she's been thinking about that night and him way too much, staring at him imagining thing he'd do to her way too often, being nervous and shy under his gaze way too easy lately, it made her feels weird.

He didn't do anything to make her this way that's why she didn't blame him, but just because of that night, only that one night, and she became like this, it confused her. She knows that she's not supposed to feel whatever the feelings she's having now, especially because she has no reason for it.

She got good boyfriend who can satisfy her well, so if her and her boss was only about sex, she should just get over with it right?

But no, its getting more confusing for her because sometime, when she and her boyfriend were on it, there's several times when she imagined her boyfriend was her boss, and when that happened, it could be guaranteed that she'd cum hard and loud, it even surprised her boyfriend.

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