The killer

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*Connor's Trailer,Connor enters his trailer. He places Nate's head, which is wrapped in a bloody sheet, on a table.*

*Professor Shane's Office (Past)*
Connor: Do you have any idea what I've been through? I've spent the last two days chained up by an Original vampire.
Prof. Shane: So, you met Klaus? I only know him by reputation. Apparently he's a real monster.
Connor: He's a vampire-werewolf hybrid. Do you know how hard it is to kill them?
Prof. Shane: From what I gather, you have to remove their head or their heart. That is according to lore. I'm just speculating.
Connor: I had to figure out how to do it on my own and not only that but I come to find out that an original "tribird"  is what she wants to call herself, is able to see my tattoos as well.
Prof. Shane:(he looks at him) oh so you have met Aria, you should leave her alone, and not mess with her
Conner: why?
Prof. Shane: because she's special and that's all you need to know for now.

*Connor's Trailer,Connor sticks a needle into Nate's gums. He takes out some of his werewolf venom.*

*Professor Shane's Office (Past)*
Connor: I could have used some of this occult Professor knowledge of yours. Then again, you've always been slow when it comes to providing answers.
Prof. Shane: We had a deal. I'll give you answers about your hunter's mark when its grown to completion.
Connor : In other words, kill as many vampires as possible.
Prof. Shane: Come on, Connor, why do you think I sent you to Mystic Falls?

*Connor's Trailer,Connor opens up a cupboard. He gathers some weapons and places them in a duffel bag.*

*Professor Shane's Office (Past)*
Prof. Shane: There's no shortage of vampires. That town is practically infested.(pauses briefly)Listen, there's a witch mixed up in all of this. She's important to what I have planned. I want her to be kept out of harm's way.
Connor: Anybody gets in my way. Anybody. They're dead.
Prof. Shane: Okay. Sure, I'll occupy her myself. Just do what you do. The less I know about it, the better.

*Mystic Falls Town Square,Connor walks across the square with a duffel bag over his shoulder. He stops outside the Mystic Grill.*

*Mystic Grill,Jeremy walks into the backroom with a bin of dishes. He places the dishes on various shelves. He suddenly hears a noise and goes to investigate. When he sees that nothing is there, he turns around. Connor is behind him and he puts a knife to Jeremy's throat.*
Connor: Do I have your attention?(Jeremy nods slowly.)Good. Then let's talk about vampires.

*Gilbert Residence,Elena wakes up in her bed. She gets out of bed and goes to her desk. She grabs her diary.*
Elena: (voiceover)Dear diary, I know its been a while. A long while. I haven't needed – I haven't wanted to write this stuff down, but I don't want to say it out loud either. The thing is: I'm a vampire and I hate it.

*Salvatore Boarding House,Stefan is sitting at his desk, writing in his journal.*
Stefan: (voiceover) She's been spiraling since her transition and at times I barely recognize her. But now, for the first time in a while, there's hope.

*Gilbert Residence,Elena sits down on her window seat, opens her diary, and begins to write.*
Elena: (voiceover)I feel hopeless, depressed, angry, but most of all; I'm scared.

*Salvatore Boarding House,Stefan still writes at his desk.*
Stefan: (voiceover)Somewhere in the world, there's a cure for vampires. If I can get it, Elena can be human again. I can give her back her life.

*Gilbert Residence,Elena continues to write in her diary.*
Elena: (voiceover) Part of me just wants to end it, but then I think of Jeremy and Aria. I'm all that they have left, so I need to find a way through this. No matter what it takes.

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