The sun also rises

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*Lockwood Cellar,Tyler, in wolf form, growls and snarls at Caroline and Matt who are on the other side of the iron gate. Caroline is holding the gate shut.*
Matt: Caroline, let me help!
Caroline: Get back, I got it!(Tyler starts to attack, fitting his snout through the bars of the gate and snapping and snarling. Caroline flinches but holds the gate steady. Matt aims the rifle at Tyler. Tyler backs up and attacks a second time.)
Matt: Caroline, the door's not going to hold.(He backs away while continuing to point the gun at Tyler)
Matt: Come on!
Caroline: Tyler, please!(Tyler doesn't let up on his attack. Matt shoots Tyler, who yelps in pain and backs away. Matt shoots him again.)
Caroline: Matt! No, hey, no! It's Tyler!
Matt: It's trying to kill us!
Caroline: Wait!(Caroline looks back. Tyler is lying on the ground, panting heavily.)He's wounded.
Matt: Caroline, stay back.(Caroline begins to unlock the gate.)
Caroline: We can go around him.
Matt: Are you nuts?
Caroline: You're not going to shoot him again, okay? Okay. Matt, take my hand.(Caroline extends her hand towards Matt as she opens the gate and walks out. Matt continues to point the gun at Tyler.)
Matt: I got it.
Caroline: (looking back)Matt, take my hand.(Matt finally complies and places the rifle over his shoulder. He takes Caroline's hand and she vamp-speeds the two of them out of the cellar.)

*Alaric's Residence,Damon is sitting at the bar, observing the werewolf bite on his inner forearm. Katherine stands over him, also observing the bite.*
Katherine: So that's what a werewolf bite looks like.
Damon: Yep.
Katherine: It's not that bad.
Damon: Will be.(Damon stands up and rolls his sleeve down, covering the bite.)
Katherine: So that's it? You're just...going to die?
Damon: Well, that depends. You know anything about a cure?(Katherine shakes her head.)Me, either.(Damon grabs his jacket off the couch and puts it on.)
Katherine: 145 years and no last good-bye?
Damon: You don't get a good-bye.(Damon turns away from her. Katherine vamp-speeds in front of him, placing her hand on his chest.)
Katherine: No. Don't leave mad.
Damon: Us ending up on good terms isn't exactly on my bucket list, Katherine.(Damon attempts to leave again, but Katherine persists.)
Katherine: Klaus made me call Jenna to lure her out. There was nothing that I could do. I didn't have a choice.
Damon: That's why I gave you the vervain. So you had a choice.
Katherine: It was her or me. I chose her.
Damon: I helped you. You owed me. Now when Klaus dies, you're going to walk out of here without a scratch and Elena's and lets not forget Aria's aunt dies. Somehow you're the only one that wins. How'd that happen?
Katherine: I didn't let love get in the way.
Damon: Enjoy an eternity alone, Katherine and I'll make sure Aria knows you said that.(Damon walks past Katherine)
Katherine: What are you going to do?
Damon:(turns and looks at Katherine)I'm going to offer myself as a replacement to Klaus.
Katherine: He won't take you. He saw your bite, he said that your blood is impure. I'm
sorry, Damon. But Jenna's dead, there's nothing you can do about it.

*At the Grilled, Aria was there,drinking a drink when she spotted the perfect person to replace Jenna. A guy who was going to spike a girl's drink Aria takes out a vital that had some of Damon's blood,she walks over and pours it into the guy's drink,she mixed it and then switched the girl's  drink with hers and waits for the guy to leave outside.*
Aria:hurry up and come out already.

*Quarry,Elena and Jenna are sitting on the ground. Jenna is clutching at her head.*
Jenna: Oh, my head. What's wrong with me?
Elena: Do you remember what happened?
Jenna: You called me. You were so scared. Oh, ah, I should have realized that it wasn't you. The second I walked out of the house, someone grabbed me. A vampire.
Elena: Klaus. It was Klaus.
Jenna: He made me drink his blood. And I don't...I don't remember anything after that.(She looks around, anxiously.)Where are we? What happened?(Elena takes Jenna's hands into her own.)
Elena: We're at the quarry. He brought us here.
Jenna: Why don't I remember anything?
Elena: Jenna, do you remember...When I told you how someone becomes a vampire?
Jenna: Yeah, if you die with vampire blood in your system, it's...(pauses, realizes what has happened to her)Oh, god. He killed me.
Elena: Jenna, listen to me. Listen to me; everything's going to be okay. I'm going to get you out of here.
Jenna: I'm a vampire?
Greta: And I bet you're hungry.(Greta approaches them; Jenna and Elena look up at her from the ground. Elena sees a sharp rock nearby and rushes to grab it, but, with a wave of her hand, Greta sends Elena flying backwards. Elena lands painfully in the dirt. Greta waves her hand again, creating a circle of fire around Elena. Elena stands up and rushes towards the flames, but finds that she can't escape.)Don't bother trying to get through. I spelled the circle. You're trapped. No matter what you do.
Elena: Greta...Please, just- just let her go.(Greta slices her wrist open with the sharp rock. Blood drips from her wound. Jenna looks at it, hungrily.)
Greta: Klaus chose her.
Elena: No.(Greta lowers her wrist towards Jenna.)
Greta: Drink it.
Elena: Jenna, don't!
Jenna: I can't.
Elena: Let her go. Hey!(Jenna continues to stare at Greta's bloody wrist and finally sinks her teeth in.)No! No.(Elena's eyes glisten with tears. Jenna closes her eyes as the warm blood enters her mouth. After a few moments, Greta pulls his wrist out of Jenna's grip and Jenna falls to the ground.)
Greta: That's enough.(Greta stands up.)
Elena: Jenna. It's going to be okay.(Greta flicks her wrist and another circle of fire surrounds Jenna. Jenna retreats from the flames, looking terrified.)Look at me. Hey, look at me.(Jenna turns her head towards Elena, blood still running down her chin.)
Elena: It's gonna be okay. It's gonna be okay.(Jenna silently says "no" as the dark veins of hunger creep towards her eyes.)

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