The last Dance

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*Gilbert's house,late at night,Aria had fallen asleep and was dreaming,of her past as Amelia*

^Flashback to the 10th Century,in the village.little Niklaus and little Elijah are seen walking out of their house and Niklaus was holding a bow and some arrows.little Amelia sees them and walks over to them^
Little Amelia:Nik!Elijah! Wait up!(they both turn around and see her)
Little Niklaus: Amelia! Look!(He shows her the bow and arrows) Elijah is going to show me how to hurt!
Little Amelia: oh,may I join you two?(little Niklaus looks at Elijah)
Little Niklaus: could she?
Little Elijah: I don't see why not. (Amelia smiles and they walk into the woods,they then spot a Deer near by) ok Niklaus,this is your chance,just aim at the deer and fire.
Little Amelia: you can do this Nik!(Niklaus fires but misses)
Little Elijah:nice try,your aim has been improving—(suddenly Mikael appears and immediately scolds Elijah for encouraging Niklaus and snatches the bow away Niklaus)
Mikael: your not your man enough to hold this weapon!!
Little Niklaus: am sorry father, I—(suddenly Mikael looks angrily at Niklaus and kicks him and keeps kicking him)
Little Amelia: Stop! Enough!(she tries to push Mikael away but Mikael pushes her,making her fall into the floor)
Mikael: stay out of it little girl Or I'll hit you as well!(he goes back to kick Niklaus when suddenly as he was about to him he is thrown to the floor,Mikael looks up in shock and sees that it was Amelia who pushed him to the ground using a stick she had found)
Little Amelia: I said enough! That's not how you treat your son!
Mikael:(angry as he gets up) I had just about enough of you,little girl!(he goes to hit her but Amelia hits him hard with the stick on his leg causing the stick to break and making Mikael yell out in pain as he falls to the in pain)
Little Amelia: No,I had enough of you! Listen to what I have to say and listen carefully because I will only say it once! If you ever hit Niklaus like that again when I am around,I won't hesitate to put you in your place! The others might fear you but I don't!(she drops the stick down and helps Niklaus up as Elijah looks in shock at the events that had just happened in-front of him) come on,Nik...let's get you clean up.(she helps Niklaus walk as they leave)
^end of flashback^
*back at the Gilbert's house,in Aria's room.Aria walks up *
Aria:(gasps) what a dick! No wonder Klaus is so feared...(she pushes her hair back and gets up,she then starts researching)

*Alaric's Residence,Klaus/Alaric opens the closet and takes out 2 shirts. Katherine is tied to a chair.*
Klaus/Alaric: Oh! Who is this guy, Safari Sam?(He shows the shirts to Katherine.)Okay, bad, or badder?
Katherine: The dark colors suit you better.
Klaus/Alaric: Oh, thank you, honey. Okay, pop quiz. The dagger and white ash are in the Salvatores' possession, correct?
Katherine: The dagger was used to kill Elijah. You'll find him in the basement of the Salvatore house.
Klaus/Alaric: Okay, that dagger needs to stay exactly where it is. The last thing I need to do is resurrect Elijah. Oh, that guy is a buzzkill.
Katherine: Don't forget you're on the outs with your girlfriend Jenna.
Klaus/Alaric: Right. Elena's aunt. For all the lies about Isobel. What else?
Katherine: That's it.(He gets closer to her and touches her face. She seems afraid.)
Klaus/Alaric: Oh, so jumpy.
Katherine: Please, just...kill me. I've told you everything that I know.(Klaus puts his hands on the armrests on Katherine's chair and looks her in the face.)
Klaus/Alaric: You see, I believe that you believe that, but what would you not know? What could they be keeping from you? Hmm? Anything? Tell me.(She looks at him and he compels her.)
Katherine: They were trying to see if Bonnie could find a way to kill an Original without a dagger and...and Alexandra is here and goes by the name of Aria.
Klaus/Alaric:she's still alive...that's good. Bonnie, the best friend? I thought you said she didn't have her powers anymore.
Katherine: She doesn't or didn't. I don't know. You kidnapped me, remember? I'm kinda out of the loop.
Klaus/Alaric: Well, we'll have to get to the bottom of that.
Katherine: Please, just kill me, Klaus, and be done with it.
Klaus/Alaric: And show you kindness? I've searched for you for over 500 years. Your death is going to last at least half that long.(He takes a single-blade pocketknife from his pocket, opens it, and holds it before Katherine.)I want you to take this knife...And stab yourself.(She takes the knife and stabs her thigh.)
Klaus/Alaric: Now take it out.(She takes it out. Her wound heals.)Now while I'm gone, I want you to do that over and over and over again and if you get bored, switch legs.
Katherine: Where are you going?
Klaus/Alaric: I'm gonna go lay eyes on my precious doppelgänger and my best friend.(He kisses her on the forehead.)Oh, don't look so glum, Katerina. The fun is just beginning. Again.
Katherine:Leave Aria alone! (He looks at her)
Klaus/Alaric: I would never let harm come to Amelia,oh,right she goes by Aria.(He leaves. Katherine stabs herself again.)

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