Our Town

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*Salvatore Boarding House,It's daytime. Damon is smiling as he takes a shower in his bathroom.*

*Alaric's Apartment,Elena is punching and kicking a punching bag. Alaric enters the room.*
Alaric: Hey, you're gonna put a hole in that thing! You want to talk about it?
Elena: Nothing to talk about.

*At the Gilbert's house,in Aria's room, Aria was still sleeping and was dreaming about Bonnie. In her dream, Aria and Bonnie were dancing when Aria stops and suddenly pulls Bonnie into a kiss*
Bonnie: I love you,Aria..
Aria: I love you more...(Bonnie giggles as Aria then pulls them into a kiss and then slowly pulls away but when she pull away Bonnie wasn't Bonnie anymore,instead it was Esther,her eyes widened in shock) what the bloody hell!(she immediately pushes her away)
Esther: I need you to help me!(she slowly start to walk towards her)
Aria: stay away from me!! You crazy women!

*end of dream,in Aria's room. Aria suddenly wakes up yelling*
Aria: (she gasps as she opens her eyes)Stay away from me!
Bonnie:(she grabs Aria's arms) hey,hey,it's ok...
Aria:(she gasps as she sees Bonnie and pulls her hands away) don't touch me! How dare try to foul me!(she immediately tackles Bonnie to the ground and was about to bite her when suddenly Bonnie send her flying across the room)
Bonnie: (she was confused and shocked on how Aria was reacting) Aria, relax...I don't want to hurt you,I don't know why you're acting like this—(she is tackled to the ground again as Aria was growling at her) Aria, snap out of it! It's me...(she touches her cheek and Aria immediately stops,her eyes stop glowing and she also stops growling) it's ok...
Aria:(she looks at her) Bonnie?(Bonnie nods as Aria then hugs her) I am so sorry. I didn't mean to...are you hurt?! Did I—
Bonnie: No am fine,(Aria looks away) am ok Aria...(Aria gets up and then helps Bonnie up) are you ok? What was all that about?
Aria: it...it was just a bad dream,I am sorry I attacked you.
Bonnie: It's alright,you didn't hurt me.(she then gives her a kiss) do you want to talk about it?
Aria:(sighs) maybe later ok? I uh...I should get ready.
Bonnie: ok...I'll wait for you in the car ok?(Aria nods and Bonnie leaves)
Aria:(she sighs again as she sits in her bed,she mumbles as she places her hands on her head) stupid Original witch,you almost made me attack bonnie...(she pulls her hair back)I can't let her get in my head like that...(she then gets dressed and leaves)

*Salvatore Boarding House,Damon gets out of the shower and walks into his bedroom, whistling happily. Stefan is waiting for him.*
Damon: Good morning.
Stefan: You're late. We were supposed to meet Bonnie at the witch house in ten minutes.
Damon: Relax, brother. You don't want your hair to fall out.
Stefan: Would you hurry up? We have work to do. You know, Klaus isn't gonna spontaneously self-destruct. Why are you all chipper?
Damon: No reason. Be with you in a minute.

*Alaric's Apartment,Elena is still training while Alaric holds the punching bag for her.*
Alaric: So, what's got you all worked up?
Elena: I didn't really sleep last night.
Alaric: Yeah, me neither. Probably something to do with dying...
Elena: Are you okay?
Alaric: Yeah I'm fine, I'm fine. I think the ring, however, is running low on batteries.
Elena: Yeah, that's another reason why Jeremy has to get out of town. If those rings have a shelf life, he is not protected, neither are you.(Elena punches the back with all the strength she can muster.)
Alaric: Nice, nice, you're getting stronger.
Elena: I'm just channeling frustration. I need coffee.(She walks over to the kitchen counter and takes off her gloves and makes herself some coffee.)Where's Jenna?
Alaric: She has gone to Denver to finish up some paperwork for Jeremy which reminds me, it seems that Damon's compulsion worked, Jeremy was packing when I left the house, going on about his new school in Denver.
Elena: Have you talked to Damon today?
Alaric: No. Why?
Elena: No reason.(She drinks her coffee.)

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