Smells like teen spirit

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*Gilbert Residence,Elena is wide awake in her bed, her alarm goes off. It's 5:15 a.m. She gets up and looks in the mirror. She goes out of her room and sees Alaric walking slowly downstairs.*
Elena: Good morning.(He doesn't answer; he seems to have a hangover. Jenna then appears) Morning Jenna.
Jenna: Hey.(she goes to the fridge and gets a blood bag out and then heads back to her room)

*in Aria's room,Aria was starting to wake up and was about to get up but then feels someone was holding on to her,she smiles as she remembers it was Bonnie and that she had slept over.Bonnie then starts to wake up*
Bonnie: What time is it...
Aria: It's still a little early,you can keep sleeping...(she kisses the top of her head as Bonnie falls back asleep on her chest)

*Woods,Elena's training on one of Alaric's mannequins. He shows her how to stake a vampire with a sleeve and two stakes in it.*
Alaric: So the pressure of your punch ejects the stakes.
Elena: Easy enough.(She tries but the stakes stay in the sleeve.)That's weird.(She tries again but it doesn't work.)Must be jammed or something.
Alaric: You're not strong enough. Better start lifting some weights, put some meat on your bones.
Elena: Thanks for not sugar-coating it.(He takes something out of his bag and shows it to her.)
Alaric: You know what this is?
Elena: A vervain grenade. I've used one before.
Alaric: Then you know the element of surprise is your only advantage when it comes to a vampire.(He pulls the pin out of a grenade and throws it in Elena's hand.)
Alaric: Surprise.
Elena: Oh my god.(She throws it in the air and the grenade explodes.)This isn't a joke to me, Ric.(She angrily pulls off her sleeve.)
Alaric: You think I'm joking? Vampires will take whatever they want. They will hurt whoever they want. And they'll do it without remorse. It's their nature and Aria can't be there to protect you all the time
Elena: You don't have to use pronouns. You can say Stefan and I know that.
Alaric: Look, I get why you're here. Stefan was going to hurt you. You don't want it to happen again.
Elena: But you think that I'm crazy. To believe that I can protect myself from a vampire who's flipped the switch on his humanity.
Alaric: I think you found a way to get out of bed this morning. And that makes you the strongest person I know. I think that you can do pretty much anything.(He gives her the sleeve with the stakes. She puts the sleeve back on.)

*Mystic Falls High School,Elena, Caroline and Bonnie are in front of the school.*
Caroline: Here we are. Senior year.
Bonnie: Anyone else think it should feel slightly more empowering?
Caroline: Okay. So prank night was a bust. But we are accepting it, and we are moving on.
Bonnie: You're right. I mean, why should I let the fact that my Girlfriend's ex wife is here and trying to take her away,hinder this experience?
Caroline: Yes! And why should I let the fact that my boyfriend was turned into a hybrid put a damper on an otherwise fabulous day.
Elena: Today's our anniversary. Technically, Stefan and I met on the first day of school last year.
Caroline: Yeah. You win. And talking about Aria, where is she?
Bonnie: she said she will be here,she just went to grab something
Elena: Mm.
Bonnie: Are you sure you want to be here?
Elena: I have to be here. I have to put it behind me. New year. New life. (Caroline and Bonnie look at each other and follow Elena.)

*Salvatore Boarding House,Damon goes down the stairs. There are two dead girls on the floor at the foot of the stairs. He walks over them and enters the living room and Stefan is there with a few girls. They're playing Twister and there's blood on the Twister mat,Aria then arrives and spots Damon.*
Aria: Damon,where's—(Damon then points towards the living)
Stefan: Uh-oh. Andra, left hand, please.(Andra gives him her hand and he turns it and bites her wrist.)
Damon: Hey, the two brunettes on the staircase owe me a Persian rug.
Stefan: You mean, they owe us a Persian rug? It's my house, too, brother. Ooh! Would you like a spin? (Stefan holds up the spinner used in the game.he then looks at Aria) Aria, wants to join in on the fun?
Aria: This is wrong Stefan and you know it.
Damon: So this is what Klaus had in mind when he compelled you to protect Elena and Aria?
Stefan: These ladies are helping me be all that I can be.
Aria: Well too bad because the fun is over.(Suddenly someone knocks on the door. Damon goes and opens the front door. It's Rebekah. She enters with shopping bags.)
Rebekah: Where's Aria or Stefan?
Damon: Who the hell are you?
Aria:(she groans as she walks towards the door) please don't be who I think it is...(she then sees Rebekah) great...
Rebekah: He left me here. My brother actually left me here.
Stefan: Oh, I'm sorry. Your tone implies that I'm actually supposed to care.
Damon: You're Klaus' sister?
Rebekah: Rebekah. Pleasure, I'm sure. Which one's my room?
Stefan: You're not staying here.(She then looks at Damon but he doesn't say anything.)
Rebekah: Rude. Both of you. I'll see to it myself.(She goes toward the stairs. When she then spots Aria) Aria?
Aria:(pretends to be Elena as she looks moves towards Damon) No...but you should leave my sister alone.
Rebekah:(she glares at her) Listen here Elena, I can be with whoever I want to and don't think for a second I wouldn't snap your neck right here, so I suggest you stay out of my way.(she then walks upstairs as Aria then rolls her eyes)
Damom:(he snorts) I can't believe you foul her.
Aria: I know right,I am just that good, anyways I should get going.

Vampire Diaries (Aria Gilbert )Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora