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*Town Square 1912,Two men exit a Council meeting*
Gerald: Will you get home all right, Mr. Salvatore? I can send for one of the police vehicles.
Zachariah: Oh, a winter chill never hurt anyone, Sheriff Forbes.
Gerald: I'm less concerned about the cold front, more for your safety.
Zachariah: One council men's murder doesn't make an epidemic, Gerald. Good night.
Gerald: Good night.(Zachariah leaves and starts to walk across the square, alone. He hears a noise and is suddenly stabbed. He dies.)

*Police Station,Sheriff Forbes and Mayor Lockwood are walking towards the building.*
Sheriff Forbes: The mystery is not going to get solved any faster with you yelling at me, Carol.
Carol: We have two council murders and an attempted murder on our hands. If you have a suspect, it is your duty to keep me in the loop.
Sheriff Forbes: No, it's my duty to make sure I don't accuse an innocent person of being a serial killer.
Carol: Just, tell me who it is, Liz.

*Inside, Alaric wakes up in a holding cell.Alaric is talking to Sheriff Forbes and Damon. He is still in the holding cell. Later, he talks through the bars with Liz and Damon.*
Alaric: I didn't do it.
Damon: You're arresting him for what this nut job Dr. Fell says?
Sheriff Forbes: No, I'm detaining him. The cell is for his own good. You were shot; Dr. Fell give you some of Jenna's vampire blood to heal you.
Alaric: Dr. Fell is the one who shot me. And where's jenna?
Sheriff Forbes: Because you came at her with a knife! And she's with Fell.
Alaric: Yeah, with a knife I had found hidden in her things! And why would you leave Jenna alone  with that crazy women!
Damon: Are we gonna ignore the part where he is one of the killer's victims? I mean, the guy was practically stabbed to death and was almost killed.
Sheriff Forbes: Well, Dr. Fell suggested his wounds could have been self-inflicting and that he was the one who killed Jenna.
Alaric: You think I stabbed myself? And would have hurt Jenna?!
Sheriff Forbes: Look, I think I don't know what to think. I've got nothing, except murder weapons from your stash and a respected member of a founding family pointing a very long finger.
Alaric: She is setting me up. I'm being framed here!
Sheriff Forbes: Well, that may be so, but I don't have any proof of that.
Damon: Well then we'll find some.
Sheriff Forbes: No, just stay out of this, Damon. You getting involved is only going to make matters worse.
Damon: Listen, Liz...
Sheriff Forbes: Don't make me put you in that cell with him! And please Ask Jenna to not get involved as well.

*At the Mikaelson Mansion,Aria is seen sleeping in Rebekah's bed with Rebekah right next to her,playing with Aria's hair when Aria then wakes up*
Aria: what...(she turns her head and is face to face with Rebekah) Ah!(she rolls out of the bed and falls to the floor)
Rebekah: Why do you keep doing that? There is no reason for you to be scared of me,(she smirks)I don't bite,much.
Aria:(she sighs and gets up) it's not that you scared me,I was just surprised to see you that close to me. Anyways, what happened?
Rebekah: Nik said that you needed rest,you used too much of your magic to take down Mo—Esther.
Aria: I see...(after a minute she looks at Rebekah) anyways thank you...for taking care of me.
Rebekah: Anything for you.(they stare at each other when suddenly Aria's phone rings)
Aria:(she picks up) hey,Mrs.Forbes. How are you? Alaric is what?!

*Mystic Falls,Matt and Elena are jogging together through a neighborhood.*
Matt: What are we running, a marathon?
Elena: If you can't keep up.
Matt: Elena, you can't outrun your problems.(Matt breaks to a walk while Elena continues running.)Though it looks like you're gonna try. I talked to Bonnie!(Elena stops running and turns to face Matt.)
Elena: What did she say?
Matt: They're at her mom's house. Abby is gonna complete the transition.
Elena: She decided to become a vampire?
Matt: Yeah. Caroline's gonna help her through it. Teach her to control it and stuff.
Elena: Did Bonnie say-is there anything I can do?
Matt: She knows it's not your fault, Elena, she's just upset.
Elena: Damon turned her mom into a vampire to save my life. It's absolutely my fault.
Matt: You're gonna make me run more, aren't you?(Elena's phone rings.) Who is it?
Elena: Sheriff Forbes, is everything okay? He what?

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