Bring out the dead

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*Klaus' Mansion,Elijah is standing before Klaus, wiping the blood off his hands with a white handkerchief after killing Daniel.*
Elijah: You look surprised to see me. So it wasn't you that removed the dagger from my chest?
Klaus: You look like you could do with a drink. And we have a lot to discuss, so shall we?(Elijah attacks him. Klaus flies through a window.)Easy. I just finished renovating.(Klaus rushes at Elijah and Elijah crashes into a table, breaking it.)You know you have every right to be mad at me. But I kept my word, I reunited you with our family.(Elijah attacks him again, and Klaus is knocked against a coffin. He opens the one next to it, undaggers Kol who is lying inside, rushes to Elijah and holds him against a closed coffin by his throat. He holds the dagger up threateningly.)Don't make me do this to you again Elijah!
Elijah: Come on. Use it. I dare you. You'll have Kol to deal with.(Klaus lowers the dagger.)
Klaus: Mikael is dead.(Klaus releases his grip and Elijah stands up, surprised.)
Elijah: What did you say?
Klaus:Aria killed him. With his own weapon. He's gone Elijah. Forever.
Elijah: Why do our family remain in these coffins? Finn for over 900 years, Kol for over a century.
Klaus: Because of Stefan Salvatore. He holds the one thing keeping me from freeing them. There are things that you do not know about our past, Elijah. Our mother's death. Things I never wanted you to know but I'm ready to tell you now. I only ask that you remember the oath of loyalty you once swore to me.(Klaus goes to a small table where there is a small urn and removes the lid. He dips the dagger inside then walks over to Kol's coffin.)
Elijah: What are you doing?(Klaus daggers Kol again.)
Klaus: Always and forever. I need you to stand by my side. Be my brother. Help me destroy Stefan and I promise you our family will be whole again with Aria included.(Klaus closes Kol's coffin lid as Elijah looks at Klaus)

*Gilbert Residence*
Elena and Aria: Morning.(they both walk towards the kitchen at same time and stop at the same time making Alaric look at them weirdly)
Alaric:(he looks at the twins) first of all, creepy (Aria rolls her eyes and grabs some coffee)and second,I thought we had aspirin.
Elena: They're in the vitamins.(Elena notices a nearly-empty bottle of whiskey and an empty glass next to it on the kitchen counter.)You're hungover.
Alaric: Yeah, sorry about that. It was a bit of a weird night.(Suddenly Jenna comes down with just a oversized shirt,she didn't see Aria and Elena)
Jenna:(to Alaric)oh hey, am surprised you're up early,I thought after last night you wouldn't have been able to get up.(she goes to the fridge and takes out a blood bag while Aria suddenly choked on her coffee she was drinking while Elena looks at them with her mouth wide open. Alaric's face goes red while Jenna still hadn't noticed what she just said spots Aria and Elena)oh, I didn't see you two,good morning.
Alaric: (he clears his throat and looks at Elena and Aria)'s... not like that.
Aria: It's alright Ric,there's nothing to be ashamed of.Elena was able to walk the next day when she was with Stefan so it's no surprise you are able to as well.(Elena immediately looks at her in shock)
Elena: Aria!(Jenna's eyes widen)
Aria: what? It's true. I thought him being a vampire would make it so you won't be able to walk the next day. It's either that or he didn't give you the vampire experience of—
Elena:(she covers her mouth) stop talking.
Jenna: Aria, I didn't mean it like that,me and Alaric didn't have sex,I meant it like he had too much to drink last night and why are we talking about sex in the morning.
Aria: Well it's because of—(The doorbell rings.Sheriff Forbes is waiting outside, holding a plastic evidence bag.)
Elena:(she sighs in relief) saved by the bell.(Elena opens the door and walks out onto the porch, followed by Alaric and Aria while Jenna went upstairs to change.)
Aria:Sheriff Forbes, hi.
Elena:Is everything okay?
Sheriff Forbes: This is an unconventional conversation we're about to have. So I hope you'll protect me on it.
Alaric: Of course.
Sheriff Forbes: I assume you three have heard our medical examiner was murdered the night of the Wickery Bridge fundraiser.
Alaric: Yeah. Brian Walters. Why?
Sheriff Forbes: We've been investigating. Someone drove this stake through his heart.(She holds up the evidence bag with the stake in it.)
Aria: wait a minute—
Alaric: That's one of ours. I mean this is one of a set from your parents' lake house.
Sheriff Forbes: That's why I'm here. I haven't told anyone but forensics ran it for prints and found only one clean set.(She looks at Elena and Aria)
Sheriff Forbes: You two.
Elena: What?
Aria: huh?

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