The New Deal

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Old Witch House,Bonnie is walking through the woods. She walks into the old abandoned house where the witches were burned. There are voices whispering all around her. She goes into the basement and sees that there are four coffins there. She walks toward the coffin that is held up higher than the rest of them and opens it. Klaus is inside, holding Elena's necklace. Bonnie reaches out to grab it, but she hears a noise behind her and turns around. She wakes up in her bed.*

*Mystic Falls,Elena is jogging through Mystic Falls. She checks her watch to see what her time was. She turns around and sees a man in a hoodie running towards her. She turns back around and starts running again. The man continues to follow her. Elena turns a corner and speeds up. After a while, she stops running and looks behind her. The man is gone. She calms down and turns around, when she walks straight into the man who was following her.*
Tony: Excuse me. Should have been watching where I was going.
Elena: Don't worry about it.
Tony: Have a nice day.(He jogs away, Elena watches him go.)

*Mystic Grill,Elena,Aria and Bonnie are sitting at a table.*
Elena: I feel like I'm going crazy. Totally paranoid all the time.
Bonnie: You have a right to be. Klaus is still out there and he knows you tried to kill him.
Aria: which is why you shouldn't have done all this in first place.
Elena: It would have work if you and Stefan didn't save him!
Aria: No it wouldn't have.
Elena:(mumbles) am starting to think it was a bad idea to let you have your memories...
Aria: What did you say?!
Bonnie:(she covers Aria's mouth as she sees that people have started to look at them)Shh... keep your voice down.(Aria sighs and glares at Elena)
Elena:(she rolls her eyes at Aria then looks at Bonnie)Why hasn't he made a move? There has been no sign of him. Nothing. Just my slow spiral into insanity.
Bonnie: Join the club. Every time I close my eyes, I have that nightmare. On repeat.
Elena: The same dream?
Bonnie: Yeah! Four coffins, Klaus is in one of them. It's weird.
Aria:(whispers to herself) four coffins...(she starts to think what it could mean and her she's widen as she remembers who they could be but doesn't say anything)
Elena: What if it's not just some dream? What if it's know...witch dream?
Bonnie: It's just stress. I'll figure it out. And what about Stefan? Has there been any sign of him?
Elena: He betrayed us Bonnie. The Stefan that we know is gone.(she then looks at Aria who looks like she was thinking.Aria then felt eyes on her and she looks up to see Bonnie and Elena staring at her)
Aria: what?
Elena: What about you? Is the Aria I knew is still there or did you also change because you have your memories now.
Aria:What is that supposed to mean? Of course I am still me!
Elena: really? Because, the Aria I know wouldn't have saved him!she wouldn't have betrayed us!
Bonnie: Elena!
Aria: (she slams her hand on the table,making Elena and Bonnie jump,she looks at Elena) Listen,Elena. I did what I had to do to make sure you all would be safe,safe from Mikael! Killing him was the only way to keep you all safe. And if that makes me the bad guy then so be it.(she then grabs her phone and starts to leave)
Bonnie: wait! Where are you going?
Aria: Out of here,I know where I'm not wanted.(She leaves and slams the door shut.Elena sighs)
Bonnie: I'll talk to her and Elena,I know she helped Stefan but she's still your sister,she was just doing what she thought was best.
Elena:(she sighs) Your right...when I see her again I am going to apologize to her.
Bonnie: so....How is Damon handling it?
Elena: Damon is...Damon.(Damon,Jenna and Alaric are sitting at the bar. Damon has lots of different alcohol bottles in front of him. Alaric is reading something.)
Damon: Oh, I give you a choice. Bloody Mary or Screwdriver. Brunch in a bottle. Come on Ric, I can't drink all this by myself. I mean I can but then somebody's getting naked.(Damon looks at the female bartender. She looks back smiling.) Oh man I can't believe you're making me drink alone,Jenna you want to drink with me?
Jenna: Nope.
Alaric: I'm busy.
Damon: It's the eve of Klaus-ageddon. You're doing homework?
Alaric: This may come as a shock but I am not here to hang out with you and Jenna. I'm here to see Jeremy. Who is an hour late for his shift.
Jenna:(sighs) that kid really doesn't like to listen.
Damon: Kids today...Where are their values?(Alaric puts Jeremy's mid-term paper on the counter which has the title "American History 201". It has an "F" grading on it.)
Alaric: That's his mid-term paper. Copied it straight off the Internet. Didn't even try to hide it.
Damon: Ohh, somebody's getting grounded.
Bartender: Did you say you are waiting for Jeremy-as in Jeremy Gilbert?
Alaric: Yeah.
Jenna: why?
Bartender: He was fired last week.
Damon: Oops.(Alaric looks away from the bar and sees Elena at a table.)

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