The ties that bind

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*Cemetery,Bonnie is walking through a cemetery. She passes a gravestone reading "Sheila Bennett Beloved Grandmother", then one reading "Amelia Bennett. She was well esteemed and loyal to all who knew her." then another reading "The memory of Ernestine Bennett. Rest in peace." She sees a coffin sitting above ground and places her hand on it. Klaus appears behind her, and she turns around to face him.*
Klaus: I figured out how to open it. Can you?(Klaus rushes towards Bonnie and bites her. Bonnie wakes up in the coffin. She uses her cell phone's screen to illuminate the inside of the coffin. She screams for help and bangs on the coffin.)
Bonnie: Let me out! Please! Oh my god, oh my god! Fes patrus tribum, melan veras, et vasa quisa, exu quisa!(She bangs furiously on the coffin. She hears footsteps outside the coffin.) Hey! I'm in here! I'm in here! I'm in here!(A woman opens the coffin.)

*Old Witch House,Bonnie,Aria and Elena are standing in front of the coffins.*
Bonnie: I've been having these dreams for days now. It's like the witches are trying to send me a message.
Aria:(sigh) I know the feeling.
Elena: I just can't believe that you guys kept this from me this whole time.
Bonnie: Stefan thought, if you knew where the coffins were, Klaus could threaten people to get the information out of you.
Elena: So, these are the rest of his family?
Bonnie: Yeah. Elijah and two others. This the one we can't open. We don't know who is in it, or what's in it, only that I think my dream's telling me it'll help us kill Klaus.
Aria: (she looks at it and suddenly whispering around her is heard) what the—
Bonnie: What is it? What's going on?
Aria:(she looks at the coffin in front of her and suddenly Esther appears) oh hell no!
Bonnie: What is it?! Aria?
Esther: Open it Aria...and I'll help you and your friends.
Aria:(glares) bet it old witch.(she waves her hand and she disappears and the whispering stops)
Bonnie: What's going on Aria?
Elena: Who were you talking to?
Aria: No one important, don't worry.(Stefan enters.)
Stefan: What the hell are you doing?
Bonnie: I needed her to know about the coffin.
Stefan: And I needed you to keep her out of it, Bonnie.(he then looks at Aria)and why didn't you stop her.
Aria:She's her own person Stefan, she can make her own decision.
Elena: So what are you gonna do, Stefan? Are you gonna kidnap me, so that I won't tell anyone?
Stefan: Don't tempt me, Elena.
Aria: If you touch her,I'll stake you.
Bonnie: I think I know who can open the coffin, Stefan. And Aria and I need Elena to help us find her.
Stefan: Find who? What are you talking about?
Bonnie: I couldn't place her face at first. Then I realized...(Bonnie pulls a photo out of her pocket and shows Elena and Aria)
Elena: Oh my god, Bonnie.
Aria: oh Bonnie...(Stefan looks at the photo.)
Stefan: Who is this?
Bonnie: It's my mom.

*Gilbert Residence,Bonnie,Aria and Elena are searching through a pile of driver license records for Bonnie's mother Abby. They're looking through the records of everyone who is named Abby Bennett.*
Elena: Los Alamitos?(Elena gives Bonnie the record for a woman named Abby Bennett Wilson.)
Bonnie: Too old.
Aria: Honolulu?
Bonnie: I wish. How many of these are there?
Elena: A lot. I asked the sheriff's office to pull up every single Abby Bennett in the country.
Bonnie: I know we haven't been able to really...that things had been weird,so, thank you for helping me with this. I know you have a lot to deal with.(she then looks at Aria and gives her a kiss on the cheek) and you too.
Aria: Anything for you,Bonnie.
Elena: There's nothing more important, Bonnie.
Bonnie: It's surreal. Having to track down a woman, who bailed on her own kid.
Elena: You know, you don't have to, right? Let Stefan obsess over opening up the coffin. It doesn't have to fall on you.
Aria: exactly,you don't have to open anything...(she then whispers) even though I prefer that you didn't open it at all...
Bonnie: The coffin is spell shut. That makes it a witch problem. So it does fall on me and Aria. I was bound to see my mother again sooner or later.(Damon enters the house holding a manilla folder in his hand.)
Damon: Sooner. Abby Bennett Wilson, Monroe, North Carolina. Born in Mystic Falls Hospital, graduated at Mystic Falls High...blah blah blah.(Damon hands Bonnie the folder and she opens it and looks at the driver's license record.) A little compulsion helps speed up the research process.
Bonnie: This is her.
Damon: Yep. Road trip. I call shotgun.
Elena: Yea-No.
Damon: Want me to hang out in the back with you?
Elena: You're not coming, Damon.
Damon: Why? I'm the one who found her.
Elena: Okay, Damon. Look. Bonnie hasn't seen her mom in over fifteen years. We don't need your snarky commentary narrating the experience.(Damon and Elena look at each other for a long time.)
Bonnie:(she looks at Aria and then back at Elena)What's going on with you two?
Damon: We kissed. Now it's weird. Have a great trip.(Aria snorts as Damon leaves. Bonnie looks surprised at Elena. Elena is lost for words.)
Aria:(she looks at Elena and mimics her voice) am nothing like Katherine, I would never dare or play with both brothers.(she then mocks her talking by using her hand) blah...blah.(she is suddenly tackled by Elena)Ah! Elena! Gets off me or I'll bite you!

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