The Rager

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*Mystic Falls Hospital,Tyler is sleeping in a hospital bed while a police officer stands guard outside in the hall by the door to his room. When the officer hears a noise down the hallway, he walks around the corner to investigate. After looking around a bit, he starts to walk back towards Tyler's room, but he is attacked by Connor. Tyler hears the commotion and wakes up. In the hall, Connor uses a sleeper hold on the officer until he passes out and slowly lays him on the ground. Tyler listens for any more noise. Suddenly, Connor enters his hospital room. He looks over at the bed, but Tyler has disappeared. Connor walks into the room and turns around to find Tyler hiding in the corner. He goes in to attack Connor, but Connor grabs him and stabs him in the neck with a syringe before injecting him with something, temporarily paralyzing Tyler. He lays Tyler down on the hospital bed.*
Connor: Don't bother. It's a paralytic.(Connor lifts up Tyler's lips and sticks another syringe slowly into his gums to withdraw several milliliters of his werewolf venom. Tyler groans in pain until Connor takes the needle out of his mouth and pats Tyler on the face. He then exits the room. Tyler grunts and growls, attempting to fight against the paralytic. After a long moment, he finally manages to super speed to the door to chase after him, but when he gets to the hallway, Connor has already gone.)

*Connor's Trailer,Connor is in his trailer, where he's using a beaker and a bunsen burner to distill the werewolf venom he stole from Tyler. He slices an apple with his hunting knife and starts to eat it while he fiddles with the distillation set-up. He then sits down at his little table, which is covered in newspaper clippings and other files, and picks up one of the newspaper articles that mentions the shooting at the Town Council memorial. Laying next to him on the table is the letter Pastor Young left for April, on top of a note Connor wrote that says "Tyler Lockwood, Vampire + Werewolf." He sets the article down and picks up two files, one labeled "Jeremy Gilbert" and one labeled "Elena Gilbert" one labeled " Aria Gilbert" before starting to read the file on Jeremy first.*

*Salvatore Boarding House,It's daytime. Damon opens the front door of the house. Stefan is outside, fixing up a motorcycle.*
Damon: Good day for a midlife crisis. 164 years, I'd say you're due.
Stefan: (sits on the motorcycle) Elena's transition to vampire has been a little depressing. I'm gonna help her have some fun.
Damon: (sarcastically)Oh. Those who can't do, teach.(Damon walks out onto the porch.)
Stefan: (rolls his eyes)Ah, I see we're still fighting. Got it. Where you going?
Damon: That hunter jacked Tyler Lockwood of his werewolf venom last night, so basically, he's got vampire poison in a bottle. And I'm gonna find him, and I'm gonna eat him .
Stefan:(stands up) I'll go with you.
Damon: I don't want your help. I just want to kill this guy and get the hell out of town. Wasn't that the deal? Whoever Elena doesn't choose leaves?
Stefan: That was before she turned.
Damon: And I stayed to help. If I take you punching me as the first clue, I'm not wanted here anymore.
Stefan: (sighs) Listen, you blood-shared with my girlfriend, and I punched you in the face. You deserved it. Why don't you stop being dramatic?
Damon: No, brother, dramatic would be leaving before I kill this hunter.(Damon leaves. Stefan sighs in frustration.)

*At the Gilbert residence,Aria is seen getting ready for school when suddenly her phone rings.she sees it was Klaus calling her,she hesitates to answer but does anyways*
Aria: You better be dying if not,I am going to hang up.
Klaus: I am not dying but don't hang up please.
Aria: What do you want?
Klaus: I just wanted to let you know that I am coming back to Mystic Falls.
Klaus: I heard what happened to Tyler but I am mostly returning because I miss my friend.
Aria: We are not friends, not after what you said to Rebekah.
Klaus: But I apologized! And...(he groans as he whispers) you know I didn't mean it...
Aria:I'm sorry, what was that?
Klaus:(he groans) I said, you know I didn't mean it! I just said it out of anger.
Aria: Klaus,you have to stop pushing your siblings away,especially Rebekah.
Klaus: I'll work on does that mean you are my friend again?
Aria: We are on talking terms right now but if you do something for me then we will be.
Klaus: I'll do it,you name it and I'll do whatever you want me to do.
Aria: Talk to your sister.
Klaus:(after a minute) anything but that.
Aria: ugh! Nik! Stop being stubborn and talk to her.I'll talk to you later.(she ends the call and turns around to see Katherine sitting on her bed)
Katherine: You damn well know he isn't going to that.
Aria: yes he will, if he wants us to be friends again he will have to do it.

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