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*Salvatore Boarding House,In his room, Stefan is holding the picture of Katherine and the necklace. He tries to call Elena, but with no answer, leaves her another voicemail.*
Stefan: Elena. It's Stefan. I know that this picture must have confused you. But I can explain. I need to explain. So, please, when you get this, call me.

*Mystic Falls,Elena is driving her car and sees a man in the middle of the road. She slams on her brakes but hits the man. Her car rolls over and over. She is stuck in her seat. The man somehow recovers and starts walking towards her car. Elena screams. The man runs away. A second later, Damon appears,with Aria*
Elena: Ah!
Damon: How ya doing in there?
Aria: Elena! Are you ok?
Elena: Damon? Aria?
Damon: You look stuck.
Elena: It's my seat belt. I can't get it.
Damon: Shh Shh Shh. Let me get you out of there. I want you to put your hands on the roof. Just like that. You ready? 1, 2, 3. (Damon ejects her seat belt) I got you.(Damon picks up Elena.)Are you okay? Can you stand? Is anything broken?
Elena: Uh-uh.(Damon puts Elena down but she can barely stand. Damon catches her before she falls to the ground.)
Damon: Whoa, you're fading fast, Elena. Elena, look at me. (Damon grabs her face.)Focus. Look at me. Okay.
Elena: we look like her...
Aria: who?
Damon: What?(Elena faints. Damon grabs her and slowly puts her on the ground. He brushes her face with his hand.)Upsy-daisy.(Damon picks her up and carries her away.)
Aria: what is she talking about Damon?
Damon: nothing,look I'll drop you off at your house.
Aria:(in a warning tone) Damon.
Damon: fine,come with me and I'll explain on the way.
Aria: I can't,I have to help Jeremy with his project. Where are you taking her?
Damon: somewhere to have fun and a place I can get answers on how to open the tomb.
Aria: Ok then just send me the address and I'll meet you there after I help Jeremy.
Damon: why?
Aria: because I want answers and I did said I was going to help you.
Damon: ok fine.(he puts Elena in his car)
Aria: so what did Elena mean "we look like her" ?
Damon: she means Katherine,that you two look like Katherine.
Aria: what!?
Damon: look,I'll explain later ok.
Aria: you better.

*Alaric's Apartment*
Alaric (typing on his computer): I found one. After years of research and study, there it was right in front of me. I was terrified. As I stared it in the eyes, I drove a stake through its heart. I was right about Mystic Falls. There is evil here. I can sense it. Feel it. It's everywhere.(Alaric looks at a photo of a young woman.)

*Flashback,Alaric kisses Isobel on the forehead. She wakes up.*
Isobel: (Sleepily) Ohhh. It's not even seven yet.
Alaric: Which means you shouldn't be awake for at least six hours.
Isobel: (Smiles) I hate morning people.
Alaric: I'm going to be home late.
Isobel: I love you.
Alaric: I love you too.

*Somewhere In Georgia,In Damon's car. Elena wakes up.*
Damon: Morning.
Elena: Where are we?
Damon: Georgia.
Elena: Georgia? No, no. No, we're not. Seriously, Damon. Where are we?
Damon: Seriously, we're...we're in Georgia. How ya feeling?
Elena: I...I...
Damon: There's no broken bones. I checked.
Elena: But my car...there was a man...I hit a man. But then he got up, and...who was that?
Damon: That's what I would like to know.
Elena: Where is my phone? Where's Aria? OK. We really need to go back. Nobody knows where I am. Pull over. I mean it, Damon. Pull over! Stop the car!
Damon: Oh you were so much more fun when you were asleep.(Damon pulls over. Elena gets out of the car, she limps weakly and Damon rushes over to her to help her.crouching down by her for support)Hey.
Elena: (looking at Damon strangely)I'm fine. We have to go back.
Damon: Oh come on. Look. We've already come this far...
Elena: Why are you doing this? I can't be in Georgia. I wrecked my car. I have to go home. This is kidnapping.
Damon: That's a little melodramatic, don't you think?
Elena: You're not funny. You can't do this. I'm not going to Georgia.
Damon: Well, you're IN Georgia. Without your magical little necklace, I might add. I can very easily make you...agreeable.
Elena: What are you trying to prove?(Elena's cell phone rings.)That's my phone.
Damon: Mmm. It's your boyfriend. I'll take it. (He speaks into the phone.) Elena's phone...!
Stefan: Where is she? Why do you have her phone? Is she okay?
Damon: Elena? She's right here. And, yes, she's fine.
Stefan: Where are you? Let me speak to her.
Damon: He wants to talk to you.
Elena: (Shaking her head) Uh-uh.
Damon: Yeah. I don't...I don't really think she wants to talk to you right now.
Stefan: Damon, I swear to God, if you touch her...
Damon: (smirks) You have a good day. Mm-hmm. Bye-now.
Stefan: Argh!
Elena (to Damon): Look, no one knows where I am. Can we please just go back?
Damon: We're almost there.(Elena's phone rings again) oh,this time is your sister.(answers the phone) Elena's phone.
Aria: Damon,how is she?
Damon: she's fine but she's being mean to me.
Aria: then play nice and remember to send me the address.
Damon: ok,I'll take care of it,don't worry.(ends call) like I said before we are almost there.
Elena: Where is there?!
Damon: A little place right outside of Atlanta. Oh, come on, Elena. You don't wanna go back right now. Do you? What's the rush? Time-out. Trust me. Your problems are still going to be there when you get home. Look. Step away from your life for five minutes. Five minutes!
Elena: Am I gonna be safe with you?
Damon: Yes.
Elena: You promise not to do that mind control thing with me?
Damon: Yes.
Elena: Can I trust you?
Damon: Get in the car. Come on.

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