The Turning Point

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*Gilbert Residence,Logan Fell, is standing outside on the porch. Jenna is talking to him from inside the front doorway.*
Jenna: Why are you here, Logan?
Logan: I missed you. I was out of town. I...
Jenna: Yeah, I got that email.
Logan: (shocked)You got an email?
Jenna: You didn't send an email?
Logan: I can explain. Just invite me in and I'll tell you everything.
Jenna: I'm not gonna invite you in. Forget it.
Logan: Come on, Jenna. It's me.
Jenna: The answer's no.
Logan: I know you. You're always one step from a "maybe", a tiny nudge to "yes".
Jenna: (scoffs)You just pointed out that I have no self-control. Clever strategy!(Logan opens his mouth to say something, but Jenna slams the door in his face. Logan, clearly frustrated with the way their conversation went, walks to the edge of the porch. He sees a neighbor taking out the garbage. He walks down the porch steps and towards the man.)
Logan: Evening.(The man gives him a polite wave and walks back towards his house. Logan walks down onto the sidewalk and watches the man leave. He breathes out heavily. Suddenly, a woman comes jogging around the corner. Logan turns around to looks at her. She stares at him as she jogs past him, but stops abruptly. Logan turns to face her again.)
Daphne: (walking towards Logan)Hey, you're that guy from the news, Logan Fell. I watch you every night. Well, I used to, I mean, you've been missing from my TV.
Logan: I took some time off.
Daphne: I noticed. I'm Daphne.(She puts her hand out and he shakes it.)
Logan: Hey you know something, Daphne?
Daphne: No, what?(Logan's eyes start to vamp out. Daphne screams as Logan goes in to bite her neck.)


*The next morning, Jeremy is up and reading his ancestor Johnathan Gilbert's journal. That Aria let him borrow*
Jeremy: "I live in fear. It consumes me. In the early evening when I see the sun begin to fade, the fear comes, because I know that the night brings death."(Jeremy continues to flip through the pages of the journal. He finds a loose paper with a sketch drawn on it and becomes inspired. He pulls out an box from his closet and grabs an old sketchbook from it. He sets the box down and grabs a piece of charcoal. Flipping through the sketchbook, Jeremy sees all the old sketches he used to draw. He smiles at the memories and finally finds a blank page. He starts recreating the loose sketch from the journal. Elena walks out of her room and glances into Jeremy's room. She walks over to the doorway and sees Jeremy sketching. She smiles and quietly closes the door. Downstairs, Jenna is getting ready to leave and Aria is also down stairs reading. Elena comes down the stairs.)
Elena: Jeremy's got his sketch pad out.
Jenna: You're kidding?
Elena: Nope. But don't say a word. The minute we encourage him, he'll put it away.
Jenna: Psychology major. Check that!(Elena looks at her phone.)
Jenna: You and Stefan? Update?
Elena: (buttoning up her jacket)He knows how I feel and where I stand and I know where he stands but it doesn't matter. He's leaving, moving away.
Aria: Are you ready Elena?(Elena nods)
Jenna: Where is he going?
Elena: I've stopped asking questions. The answers get scary.(Elena opens the front door and they all walk out of the house.)
Jenna: Yours leaves, mine returns.
Elena: Logan?
Aria: What?!
Jenna: He's back. (Elena groans) I didn't let him pass the front door.
Elena: I hope you slammed it in his face.
Jenna: Ah, medium slam.
Elena: Three-strike rule, Jenna. You're not even allowed to watch the news.
Jenna: Exactly. No more Logan "Scum" Fell.
Aria:Jenna, don't ever let him in, ok?

*Salvatore Boarding House,Stefan walks into the parlor room where Damon is staring out the window.*
Stefan: So any idea of where you'll go?
Damon: I don't know. London, maybe. See some friends.
Stefan: You don't have any friends, Damon.
Damon: You're right, Stefan. I only have you. (turns away from the window)So, where are we goin'?
Stefan: We are not going anywhere. I'm gonna live my life as far away from you as possible.
Damon: (walking towards Stefan)But we're a team! We could travel the world together. We could try out for "The Amazing Race".
Stefan: Mmmm, that's funny. Seriously, where are you going? Because we are not staying in this town.(The doorbell rings. Damon and Stefan glance at the door and back at each other. Stefan leaves the parlor and opens the front door. Liz Forbes is outside.)
Sheriff Forbes: I'm here to see Damon.
Stefan: Uh, sure. Ok.(Damon comes to the doorway.)
Damon: Sheriff. What a surprise.
Sheriff Forbes: Sorry to bother you, but we need to talk.
Damon: Come in.(Liz enters the house. Damon shuts the door and leads Liz out into the back courtyard.)
Damon: Um, I hope you understand the secrecy. Stefan doesn't know about this yet and I'd like to keep it that way.
Sheriff Forbes: Of course, kids are too young to be brought into this.
Damon: So, what do you need?
Sheriff Forbes: There's been another attack. A female victim, her throat torn out, completely drained of blood. It fits the pattern.
Damon: I'm sorry. I don't understand. I thought we solved that problem when I (glances back)...staked the blond one.
Sheriff Forbes: I'm thinking she must have turned someone. Or multiple someones. I don't know.(Inside the house, Stefan uses his vamp hearing to listen in to Liz and Damon's conversation.)
Sheriff Forbes: The story for the town is another animal attack but I'm not sure how long we can keep lying to them. The council is in an uproar. We thought we were past this.
Damon: So, uh, what do we do?
Sheriff Forbes: You're the only one who's ever taken on a vampire. We were hoping you could tell us.

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