Ordinary People

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*Old Lockwood Cellar,Elena,Aria,Jenna and Alaric are walking through the tunnel in the cellar.*
Aria: So what's so important that you needed me here?
Jenna: You will see.
Elena: So, the Lockwoods really have no idea that these tunnels are underneath their property?
Alaric: Careful where you shine that thing. Bats hate the light.
Elena: Wait, what?(Damon secretly comes up and whispers behind her.)
Damon: Elena!(She turns around and sees him.) Boo!(She jumps from fright.)
Elena: (gasps) Ah! God, Damon!
Damon: Scaredy-cat!
Alaric: Just ignore him.
Jenna:That's what we do.
Elena: So, you really can't get in?
Damon: No. Seems even the ancient Lockwoods were anti-vampire.
Jenna: which means I also sadly can't get in as well.
Elena: What do you mean, ancient?
Aria:(she looks around) and why does it seem so familiar...
Damon: (gestures forward)See for yourself.(They walk further into the tunnels, to the cave with drawings on the walls.)Well, this is as far as I get to go.
Jenna: And please  hurry back,I don't like staying here with dick head.
Damon: really? Again with the names.(Aria and Elena enter the chamber and Elena shines her flashlight on the walls with the drawings.)
Elena: What is all this?
Alaric: Well, as far as I can tell, it's a story. In simple, archaeological terms, it's a really, really old story. (points at the wall) That right there, is the moon cycle. (points at another drawing) A man, a wolf.
Elena: (staring at the drawings)A werewolf.(Aria looks at drawings and gasps as she recognizes the drawings.)
Damon: Yeah, it's the "Lockwood Diaries: Pictionary-Style."
Jenna: They must be very old like Damon.
Damon:(sarcastically) Haha.
Elena: I don't understand. I thought the Lockwoods came here with the Original Founders in the 1860s.
Alaric: I don't know. Maybe the Lockwoods did, but according to this wall, these werewolves have been here a lot longer than that.
Elena: How long?
Damon: Long. It gets better. Show her, Ric.
Alaric: Names. They're not native. They're written in Runic, a Viking script.
Elena: Vikings?
Alaric: This name here, I translated it and it reads —
Elena: Klaus.
Alaric: (to Aria)how did you—
Aria: because I was here when we wrote our names...(she walks towards the drawing and touches her name that was carved)
Alaric: And Elijah...and Rebekah and Amelia...(they look at Aria who suddenly gets a flashback)

*Flashback to the 900s. Rebekah is using a knife to carve her name in Runic into the cave wall. Klaus  and Amelia are standing behind her, watching while klaus was holding a burning wooden torch.*
Klaus: Rebekah, let me have at it!
Amelia: calm down,Niklaus there is no need to worry.
Rebekah: listen to Amelia and quiet, Niklaus! I am to have more concentration if I am not to slice off a finger.
Klaus: Father will not like you handling the blade.
Amelia: so? If she wants to wield a blade then let her.
Rebekah:Amelia is correct,If I want to wield a blade, I shall wield a blade! Father need not know.
Klaus: He will find out. He always does.
Rebekah: That is because you always tell him.
Klaus: I cannot help it...he frightens me.
Rebekah: He frightens us all. That is why we stick together as one, always and forever. Right, traitor? (smiles.)
Klaus: Right. (smiles back.)
Amelia: And if he dares lay a hand on either of you then I will make sure to put him in his place.
Rebekah: see, even my love will help us.(she gives her a kiss on the cheek as Amelia takes the knife as well and marks her name)
Amelia: curse that men for ever being allowed to walk on this earth.(she finishes and then gives it to Klaus )Here. You finish it. (Before Klaus could grab it Rebekah grabs it instead)
Rebekah:We must be going. I am to help mother with the meal and my dearest here said she would help me.
Amelia: Of course. Anything for you.
Klaus: Yes, go tend to dinner, and leave the blades to the men, little sister and Amelia.
Amelia: I beg your pardon?(she crosses her arms as Rebekah retorts by slamming the knife blade-side down into his palm, slicing it open.)
Klaus: (winces)Agh, Bekah!
Rebekah: It's just a little blood. Be a man about it.
Amelia:(she gasps) Rebekah Mikaelson!
Rebekah: it's nothing bad,love.(she grabs her hand and they leave)

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