Gohan VS Invincible: Invincible Beasts

Start from the beginning

Super Saiyan 2

Ultimate Gohan

Beast Gohan

Sara: It should come as no surprise that Gohan is incredibly skilled since he's trained by both Goku and Piccolo. In fact, Piccolo has stated Gohan has greater potential than Goku himself. He can also weaponize life energy commonly known as Ki.

Nakano: He can use Ki to unleash energy beams such as his iconic Masenko, the Kamehameha and the Special Beam Cannon, which is Piccolo's signature move. But of course, it's not Dragon Ball without transformations. Gohan can obviously use Super Saiyan and Super Saiyan 2 which increases his power by 50 and another. But he's got two different forms as well: Ultimate and Beast Gohan. Ultimate is where he unlocks all of his potential which laid dormant due to his pacifist nature via Chi-Chi.

Vanessa: But the real show stopper is Beast Gohan, which he unlocks after supposedly witnessing Piccolo's death at Max Cell's hands similar to how he gained SSJ2 after Perfect Cell killed Android 16. His power skyrockets and he's been stated by Toriyama himself to be on the same level as Jiren, Ultra Instinct Goku and even Broly in that form, if not even stronger.


As Ultimate Gohan, he was able to force Goku up to Super Saiyan Blue Kaioken x10 just to beat Gohan (The narrator stated the Gohan had rivaled Goku's power at the point before Kaioken)

Defeated the Universe 6 Namekians Saoneru and Pirina with Piccolo

Stalemates Kefla (DBS Manga)

Eliminated Botamo of Universe 6 and Obuni from Universe 10

Defeated Cell and Cell Juniors

Killed Super Perfect Cell with Father-Son Kamehameha

Punched Perfect Cell hard enough to spit out Android 18, forcing to his Semi-Perfect form

Can deflect bullets with one finger while drunk

Defeated Dyspo with Frieza (By sacrificing himself)

Humiliated Super Buu during their first encounter

Badly damaged Raditz with a headbutt as a child

Defeated Bojack and his gang (Non-canon)

Pushed 3rd Form Frieza back when enraged

Fought Lavender to a draw while poisoned

Defeated Cell Max

Beast Gohan matched Ultra Instinct Goku (DBS Manga)

Nakano: Gohan has proven that he has what it takes to be a member of the Z-Fighters. He dealt a huge blow to Raditz at 4 years old, humiliated Super Buu in their first fight and he's best Cell twice, one being the original and the other being a clone name Cell Max. Cell claimed that he had enough power to destroy the entire solar system, a claim that's backed by official guidebooks. And Cell Max, while lacking the original Cell's regeneration, is stronger than that.

Vanessa: And while he ultimately lost against Goku, Gohan was still able to hold his own against his father who was in Super Saiyan Blue. This is impressive because Super Saiyan God Goku and Beerus nearly destroyed Universe 7 with one of their punches, which is 1,505 times larger than our observable universe. And it took Goku adding Kaioken to his Blue form to beat Ultimate Gohan.

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