Vastatosaurus Rex VS Indominus Rex: Indomitable Kings

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(Wiz and Boomstick - Death Battle Official Theme Song)

Adam: Vastatosaurus Rex, Skull Island's Ravager Lizard King.

Shadow: And Indominus Rex, the Untamable King of Jurassic World.

Randy: Tyrannosaurus Rex, the most famous extinct animal and is proudly known as the king of the fucking dinosaurs. And today we have two fuckers that are the descendants. Evolution meets Genetics! Nature vs Science!

Adam: For this bout, we're using the movies and any closely tied media. So that means the 2005 King Kong game and Netflix series Camp Cretaceous will be used. Also, we'll be only analyzing the subadult Indominus into account as analyzing a fully grown I-Rex takes a lot of speculations and workarounds.

Shadow: He's Adam, that's Randy and I'm Shadow.

Adam: And it's our job to analyze their weapons, armor and skills to find out who would win... a DEATH BATTLE.

Vastatosaurus Rex ravages DEATH BATTLE

(The T-Rex Cometh - King Kong Official Game of the Movie)

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(The T-Rex Cometh - King Kong Official Game of the Movie)

Shadow: Skull Island is filled with dangerous predators that have been either thought to be extinct or have survived and evolved into even more vicious beasts. Among the carnivores to exist is the Vastatosaurus Rex, meaning the Ravager Lizard King!

Randy: Ann Darrow, a survivor, accidentally met one when a Foetodon trying to eat her got caught and eaten instead. Kong managed to save her as he faced three V-Rexes and beat all of them, possibly due to plot armor.

Adam: Which seems pretty BS when official sources confirmed they're capable of killing Kong's species as a whole.

Shadow: Before we get to the analysis, we'd like you to know there's at least three different V-Rexes shown: a male, a female and the juvenile. So we'll be using the male V-Rex for this fight as it is capable of doing whatever the other two can.

Vastatosaurus Rex

Physical strength

High durability and endurance

Seemingly limitless stamina


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