Annihilus VS Larfleeze: Mine, Mine and Mine

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(Wiz and Boomstick - Official Death Battle Theme Song)

Jack: Annihilus, Marvel's tyrannical Lord of the Negative Zone.

Emma: And Larfleeze, the selfish Agent Orange of DC Comics.

Jack: Greed. One of the most terrible of the Seven Deadly Sins. And when it came to greedy conquerors, these two are the most terrible of them all.

Emma: He's Jack Andros and I'm his girlfriend Emma Nemetrix.

Jack: And it's our job to analyze their weapons, armor and skills to find out who would win..... a DEATH BATTLE.

Annihilus plunder the DEATH BATTLE

(Theme of Dormammu - Marvel vs Capcom 3)

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(Theme of Dormammu - Marvel vs Capcom 3)

Jack: In a distant realm known as the Negative Zone, everything was run by a mysterious substance known as dark matter. This was required for all of the civilians to survive, and so they began to flourish due to the abundance of dark matter.

Emma: The main race of icky creatures, the Tyannans, seeded spores on distant planets to keep themselves alive. To do this, they built big-ass factories that destroyed the environment faster than our modern day stuff.

Jack: One day on a sporing mission, the Tyannans' main ship crashed onto the distant planet of Arthros when it got annihilated by a massive meteor. The dying species decided to spore the area to keep their legacy running. Many, many years later, one of the spores evolved into a beast.

Emma: Digging throughout the wreckage of the ship, this disgusting creature found a helmet loaded with all of the information on the aliens' tech, and donned the name, Annihilus.


Superhuman Strength (about 50 tons, incalculable as Annihihulk)

Superhuman Speed

Superhuman Stamina

Superhuman Durability

Superhuman Agility

Superhuman Reflexes


Continuous Rebirth

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