Destoroyah VS King Ghidorah VS SpaceGodzilla: Ultimate Heisei Godzilla Nemesis

Start from the beginning

Super Durability


Pincer Tail

Horn Katana

Crustacean Armor

DNA Absorption

Micro-Oxygen Beam

Micro-Oxygen Comets

Micro-Oxygen Spray

Micro-Oxygen Explosion

Oxygen Destroyer Bomb

Laser Horn

Oxygen Destroyer Chest Beam

Microscopic Form

Juvenile Form

Aggregated Form

Flying Form

Final Form

Ziana: It should as no surprise that Destoroyah possesses the power of the Oxygen Destroyer given his mutation. He can absorb your DNA and add it to his own, which is why he took Godzilla and Junior's DNA to make himself more powerful. He can fire Micro-Oyxgen Beams that can vaporize most organic matter and even melt metal.

Kira: Destoroyah also has the ability to split into smaller Kaijus to overwhelm an opponent or fuse into one strong monster such as his Aggregated, Flying and Final Forms. He can charge up his Horn Katana to deliver deadly cuts or just drag you around with his pincer tail whenever he flies.

Zen: And being a crustacean doubles as a bonus as Destoroyah is covered head to to in tough armor, capable of shrugging of most physical attacks. And while it cut from the movie, Destoroyah's strongest move is his Oxygen Destroyer Chest beam, which has been shown to knock Godzilla down while cutting a part of his tail and several spikes.

Kira: Oh and fun little fact, the directors of the movie stated Destoroyah's Perfect Form is actually isn't his final one, as he can continually grow by absorbing more DNA if given the chance.


Mutated from the Oxygen Destroyer, a weapon that killed the first Godzilla in 1954

Killed Godzilla Jr.

Tanked Burning Godzilla's multiple Super Red Spiral Ray albeit coughing up blood. The Red Spiral Ray is powerful enough to one-shot most Kaijus

Dragged the 60,000 ton Burning Godzilla with his tail

Sliced the moon apart (Manga)

Is one of Godzilla's most powerful and deadliest enemies

Killed Godzilla several times in Hell

Beats down Anguirus

One-shots Mothra

Beat down Godzilla with the help of Megalon

In his Flying Form, Destoroyah has dodged Godzilla's Atomic Breath which can tag jets and SpaceGodzilla

Kira: Destoroyah is truly a nightmarish Kaiju to behold. He's able to overpower Burning Godzilla multiple times and at one point dragged around like a ragdoll, he once sliced the moon in half in the manga. He and King Ghidorah killed him several times in literal hell before the latter turned on him and is famously known for killing Godzilla Junior.

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