Dystopia Finale IV

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"Now he's only four years of age.. Always the difficulty with such an age is maintaining life for the maximum amount of time, so vital signs will be attached to your son, Mr. Härt."

There in the echoing room of the blinding white laboratory was Hendrick Härt, tied to a light green wooden chair, a complete contrast to the dreadful color of white surroundings.

"Torture is still a form of communication Mr. Härt, I will inflict my torture upon you, and then the same torture will be inflicted on your son," The man spoke again, he was with the Children of the Harvest. Dressed formally with a suitcase of torturing tools.

"P-please.. he's only four years old, I don't have your money," Hendrik whimpered.

"Mhm.." The man hummed before popping open his briefcase, and pulling out pliers.

"So for my first torture method.. I like to use something traditional, but brutal," He says, wearing a smile, "So I will simply pull out the nails on your thumb and middle finger."

"W-wait no! NO PLEASE!" Hendrik sobbed as he watched the man from The Children of the Harvest place his thumb's nail in between the pliers.


Afterward, the man walked into the other room and saw Hendrik's little boy sitting on the blue carpet in the lobby, playing with building blocks as he waited for his father.

"Hello," The man from The Children of the Harvest greeted Hendrick's son, swearing a big smile.

The man stood up and placed his hand out for the little boy to hold so the man could take him to a private room, "Come on Apollo, it's your turn buddy!"

Present day
Pat's POV

"Here I have dirt, powdered chili, and powdered soap,"

Tord put on latex gloves.

In front of us, we tied this.. other Tord to a chair after knocking him unconscious, but now he is conscious again.

"Now, I'm going to put each individual set of powder into your eyes..eh.. well, eye." Tord grumbled, "Unless.. you answer my questions."

The other Tord said nothing, keeping his head down.

"Now.. who are you?"

The other Tord, said no words and kept his head down. Unresponsive in every form.

"Very well..." Tord grabbed the powder, then picked up the clone's head and shook him, "Answer me."

The other Tord looked up at him with dull gaze but said nothing.

"Or this will get messy."

The other Tord looked up at him, fierce-eyed, yet said nothing.

"Right." Tord then tilted the dirt on his finger into his eye. The other Tord immediately winced, making a high-pitched sound in pain. He struggled to sit still and keep his calm demeanor in the chair.

Tord walked back but still kept his gaze on the other Tord.

"Now.. do you finally want to answer the question, or do I have to continue?" Tord asked.

"Fuck you!" The other Tord growled.

"Not quite the answer I was hoping for.. but alright." Tord sighed.

Without further warning, he started by rubbing chili powder into the other Tord's eye, holding his eye open, causing him to scream and thrash about in his restraints.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12 ⏰

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