The Promised Land Utopia

522 19 93

Florida, US
3rd Person POV

Aaron Lockwood, a middle-aged man, a wife, and three kids.

Aaron was driving his wife and kids home after a trip.

"When will we be there?" One of the kids asked.

"It'll take another hour, sweetie," The mother said.

The kid let out an overdramatic sigh.

In the drive, Aaron received a call.

"Ello?" Aaron answered whilst driving.

"The Children of the Harvest calls for Their Request," The person on the phone said.

"A-already?..." Aaron stuttered.

"Now," The man on the phone demanded.

"It will be done by midnight..." Aaron sighed.

11:32 PM

Aaron stopped the car, "why'd you stop, we're in the middle of nowhere," Aaron's wife said.

"I just need to check something really quick," Aaron claimed, opening his car door.

He pulled to the side of the backroads, no other car was there except for his.

He got out of the car and popped open his trunk, grabbing a canister of a very, very, deadly gas in his hand.

He walked over to a lamppost and stood behind it, finding a compartment attached to the pole.

He unlocked the lock on the compartment with a key from his pocket.

He then placed the canister into the small cold space designed for it which was in the ground, the entryway being from the lamppost.

Aaron closed the compartment and locked it back up again.

He went back into his car, knowing what had to happen now.

"What did you go and do?" asked Aaron's wife.

"Nothing, just check to make sure the car trunk was locked," Aaron claimed.

"Oh...." Said Aaron's wife. "Okay..."

Aaron began to continue down the backroads, making his way into a small town, then making his way to a highway.

Through the highway, back into a town, and up a mountain way.

He began to speed up, 65 MPH.

"Hey Aaron, don't you think you're going a bit too fast?" Aaron's wife asked.

75 MPH.

"Aaron slow down, we're on mountain roads for Christ's sake!" Aaron's wife scolded.

85 MPH.


Within seconds he reaches 95 MPH.


100 MPH.


The car flew off the trail, off the mountain, and crashed into a forest.

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