Momento Mori

184 10 21

3 months after the last chapter
3rd Person POV

"Happy birthday to you.."

A small family of four sit around the table surrounded by candles. Other than the flame of the candles, the room was dark.

"Happy birthday to you..."

A mother, father, son, and older son all sit around a birthday cake. Slowly singing happy birthday to their younger son.

"Happy birthday.. dear Evan..."

They choke on their own tears as they finish off the song. Their son blowing out the candles on the cake.

"Happy birthday.. to... you..."

They were in the middle of a Cleansing, Utopia was outside.


3rd Person POV

"Fuck!- fuck! Shit-" Tord spat in annoyance and surprise as he accidentally dropped a cup of soda on the ground.

"It's alright! It's alright" Tom laughed a bit as he picked up the cup, placing it back on the table, smiling softly at the clumsy Norwegian.

"I'm sorry Tom, I got your carpet stained." Tord frowned, "I really didn't mean to, I-"

Tom interrupted Tord mid-sentence by placing his hand on Tord's head and ruffling his hair playfully, "it's alright I said."

Tom's POV

I hum to myself as I sat on the balcony, playing Susan. As the song goes down I continue playing the song, humming the lyrics one more.

Now that Tord's back, I'm no longer Red Leader. Which relieved a bunch of stress.

As I finished up the song I heard Tord's voice, you can recognize that Norwegian accent from anywhere.

"Still at that old thing, are you?" Tord asked.

"I've always liked playing Susan, you know that." I said, not looking up from the bass.

Tord sat by me, passing me a bottle of Smirnoff, "you're still as good as I remember."

"Thanks." I opened the Smirnoff and put Susan down. Tord had his own bottle of Smirnoff with him. We both drank away looking at the beautiful sundown.

After a while of silence Tord speaks, "y'know, the whole world is yours." He said, looking down at the city of Red Arch.

"What good is the world if I've just have it to destroy it?"

Tord sighed, "you're not destroying it, you're-"

"Improving on it, reshaping it, you've told me." I interrupted. "It's amazing how much Apollo and his writing really twists your mind Tord."

"Didn't twist my mind, in fact it did the opposite." Tord answered, "See, your problem is that you think the world is nice, that we can all just get along, cooperate! When the fuck have we ever done that?!"

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