Dystopia Finale III

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3rd Person POV

Apollo, or Pau, was tapping his feet to the classical music playing in the background of the mansion party he has so much hated.

The harsh wooden walls with carvings of 'art' for 'decoration'. The distant chatter of those powerful people around him. It all got to Pau in a bad way.

He sat on a chair writing in his notebook on the top floor, away from all the people but still a couple of parties of people around him.

But just to the left of him, two older men talking about a pretty well-known project to the World Health Organization.

"..we use the fungus. If we can just find a more virulent strain. Killing off those grimy little mosquitoes will END malaria once and for all! And every other disease that comes with those little winged dev-," Pau overheard one of the men saying, but Pau was the type to intervene.

"It won't work," Pau said, irritation in his voice.

"Excuse me?" The man said.

"Metarhizium robertsii? Yea, it won't work," Pau repeated himself. "Poor stability in the sporulating strains. You'd get.. hmm.. 30 percent effectiveness before the mosquitoes do something fucking natural.. out evolve it."

The two men looked at him in confusion yet irritation, and old of them spoke up again, "Young boy, we believe if w-"

Pau interrupted him again, "For 100 million years over 3 thousand different fucking species of mosquitoes have been around. You think a couple of humans on a project are going to yank that kingdom of generations of mosquitoes out of existence?"

Pau laughed, "You don't actually think that do you? Or are you really just fucking idiots?" He asked, leaning against the wall now.

The men were dumbfounded, not sure what to say, they knew deep down it was true and what they had been working on for so long had just been destroyed in a couple of sentences by a 17-year-old boy.

But their whole got to them and one of them again spoke up, "Okay smart guy, how would you cure malaria?"

Pau's eyes widened, "cure malaria?" He laughed, "cure malaria? Leave malaria THE FUCK alone!"

"Leave malaria alone? Young man, do you hear yourself?" One of the men chuckled.

"Malaria does a great job at controlling at least one part of the population. I mean, it took millions of years to get to 1 billion people on this planet. Then it keeps rising. And it was only around 15 years to get another billion after 5 billion people. In the next... 100 years? Who knows how fast it'll be for another billion to just pop into existence." Pau ranted, this was his whole being, focusing on these subjects was what made him so different from the others.

"The only fucking disease that needs curing is us."

"Young man, you're 17," The man said.

Pau nodded slowly, "Yes.. and next year we'll both still be cunts."

Present day
Pau's POV

I sent one of the clones to kill Tord and Pat, I sent the other two to get the last canister.

I stayed in my underground laboratory for a while, testing new things out on Aipotu's gas variant.

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