Monarch Above Death

562 22 45

3rd Person POV
London, England

"Look mommy, a monster!" Emily, a 4-year-old yelped, looking at the towering figure.

Her mother looks at who she was pointing, Red Leader.

"No sweetie, that's the Red Leader, he can hurt you..." The mother of that child pulled her away.

As the cold night wind blew, Red Leader stood tall amongst a crowd of people waiting for the street lights to allow them to go.

To the people around, this was just a crowd waiting.

To Red Leader, this was just another effect of overpopulation.

Once the street allowed the crowd of people to cross, the mother grabbed her child's hand and crossed.

Once across, the mother sat her daughter in her car.

The mother got in and drove home.

Once home, the daughter rushed to hug her older brother, he was around nine.

The two siblings were inseparable, always talking to each other, playing, watching TV.

But all that changed once the mother came in and the phone rang.

"Hello?" The mother picked up the phone.

"The Children of the Harvest calls for Their Request," The person on the phone said.

Something in the mother became somber.

"O-of course..." The mother said. "It will be finished by midnight..."

The mother hung up with a tear streaming down her face.

11:45 PM

The mother drove to a garage parking lot and parked the car.

She got out of the car and popped open her trunk, grabbing a canister of a very, very, deadly gas in her hand.

She walked over to a catch basin, otherwise known as a storm drain, and unlocked the hedges.

She took the top off and placed the canister into a small cold space designed for it.

She placed the top back on and attached the locks back.

Once the mother was done she went back into her car and drove back to her house.


She sat on a chair in the bathroom where he husband was taking a bath.

The tub was full to the brim and his wife had to end her mission soon.

His wife then pushed her husband's head deep into the water with all her strength right in the middle of their conversation, drowning him.

Once her husband was dead, she went into the kitchen and grabbed the largest knife there was.

She went to her son's room and slowly opened the door, trying not to wake him.

She approached him with the knife and plunged it straight into his chest, without hesitation.

The child did wake but couldn't say or do anything before he bled out and died.

The mother moved on to the next room, her daughter's room...

She did the same routine and slowly opened the door.

DYSTØPIA | TomTord |Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora