The Apollo Movement

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BEFORE WE STARTBoiaughouaguioagioysgoiguispu

Listen, I am currently sick rn.
I have a bad disease called 'Writer's Block' and it's interfering with my writing so yeah.

Anyways begin.



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But a good representation of Utopia ig

Stephanie Redmond's POV
1:29 AM

Imagine waking up to the sight of hundreds of lined-up projectiles in the sky.

And they all are dropping bombs.

"COME ON, THIS WAY!" I harshly grabbed my niece by the wrist and dragged her along the large grassy field.

This is a Cleansing. A Cleansing is when the great beast Utopia makes its way through a county or city and kills everyone in them.

He makes his way into every house, every store, every building, every car, and kills everyone. While meanwhile Red Soldiers drop bombs on the designated area and destroy everything, killing off more people.

My heart was pumping right out of my chest. This was it. My niece was screaming loudly but it was barely heard over the chaos throughout the entire town, and the dreadful repetitive sound of the planes above with loud explosions in the distance.

Almost to the bunker then... There he was, a good distance from us. The Angel of Death stood there, blood dripping from his mouth. I ran faster and my grip on my niece got tighter as I saw The Angel of Death gallop toward us. Almost at the bunker when my niece fell face-first on the grass.

I turned back and saw she was already about 10 - 20 yards away from me. I ran back to get her when I saw The Angel of Death catch up to her. Grabbing her by her pigtail and-


I stopped in my tracks and stared in horror as all I heard was the gut-wrenching sound of the girl's head being ripped from her neck, her eyes lifeless as The Angel of Death dangles her head by her pigtail, now staring fiercely at me, it's teeth gritted.

I knew I was next...

But some instinct in me ran, somehow forcing my body to sprint away from the beast, I was only a couple of yards from my bunker. I ran faster and faster, the bunker door opened up automatically, I ran in and tapped the button a hundred times to close the door.

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