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"I will go into a crop duster down in Orlin Airifield for an eleven-day trip of a one-hundred-ninety-five million square mile area, where I will release the product onto those below."

Tom's POV
Tord made a truce with the Purple Army.

The citizens that were evacuated on that day, the day many were left to die, are able to live with the citizens of the Purple Base, a secret city of many on an island near Denmark.

Together, the Purple Army and Red Army fight the NFM in America.

But this, this is disgusting. The very same people who killed thousands upon thousands of our people, MY people, we trust?

No. I can't let this happen. And it was this night I realized.. I won't let this happen.

Henry's POV
I watched my family die. Put into camps because we have Brazilian blood. We're Brazilian but were white, yet the NFM still hated us and our culture. I was also of the homosexual community before the NFM came along, but they don't know that either.

They thought my race and sexuality were vermin. That our kind and people was a generational curse that needed to be cured or the economy of America would only get worse.

My family was taken, but on that day, I was gone. So when I found out I knew I was next. So what I did was I joined the NFM's army without them knowing I'm Brazilian. They think I'm American because I'm white and nothing else.

They checked my I.D. But I had a fake one. So as far as the NFM knows, I'm fully white.

But if they found out.. I'm dead.

Now I've become one of the top leaders of the NFM, to the point where I take direct orders from the leader himself, Fredrick.

I find myself having nightmares from literally watching my people be executed, I'm always reminded that it should be me out there..





I broke out of my trance and looked to Fredrick, the NFM leader himself as he stared at me.

"Yes, sir?" I said suddenly.

"Do you understand the order I just gave you?" Fredrick asked.

"Yes.. bomb them," I said, repeating his order.

I remembered him telling me to take out this awful plan.. to bomb a city that had hundreds upon thousands of innocent people just because there was the possibility of a group of Red Soldiers in the city, ready to attack.

"Sir, don't you think it would be better if we were to evacuate the city and check for soldiers during the evacuation of the people?" I suggested.

Fredrick looks at me in offense, "Don't fucking doubt what I say."

I couldn't take seeing innocent die anymore. I don't know why Fredrick always went after me, all of the other NFM army leaders would never be scolded or harassed as much as I was.

Fredrick had something towards me, I could tell, and so could others in the NFM. Sometimes I felt like he knew. About my sexuality and race.

"Tonight, you initiate the planes to fly over the target."

My mind was so cluttered, and I snapped.


Fredrick looked at me angrily, "Excuse me?"

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