Lucidity Gone

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Family pov
Different Television News Stations around the world.

"War on the White House lawn!"
"This just in, the White House is up in smoke as-"
"The Red military being sent-"
Tom's POV
"Uhm Debra, what do we have here?" The man on the news asked the other reporter, "well Phil it seems a BOMB has been set off in the White House! It's up in smoke as hundreds of armed men, who have what seems to be the German swastika around their arms, run into the White House lawn and s infiltrate the White House AS it's up in flames! The Red Army has been sent to go and KILL these people! Phil what we have here seems to be some sort of terrorist attack or something!"

I watched the news on the telly as the news had shown footage of the White House up in smoke and a bunch of armed people with swastikas run across the White House lawn into the White House itself.

Tord watched too as he drank his morning cup of coffee.

"What do you think this is?.." I asked Tord,

"organized attack." He answered simply.

"By who?.." I asked him.

"I don't fucking know, you're the Red Leader, shouldn't you know about any organization like this?" He asked.

"Well yes but.. never anything like this!"

"Tom this is in a whole other continent, why the fuck does it matter to you?" He asked.

"Because Red Army troops have been sent out there to kill these people! What if any of the troops gets killed?!" I exclaimed.

"Haven't you killed over one billion people? Why does that matter?" He asked.

"Because they're still my army!"

"Well in the army, people die. Get over it."

"You're fucked up, Tord."

"And you're not?"

I stayed quiet.

"As I thought."

7 months pass
Tord and I sat down at the table, with armed Red Soldiers surrounding the table as the now-famous National Fascist Movement leader Fredrick Schoep sat at the other end of the table. The Battle for America was the 7-month battle against the NFM, however, the Red Army lost the battle. After seeing how the Nazis fought, we knew that sending in more troops would've just caused more unnecessary death in the Red Army.

The meeting between Fredrick and Tord was interesting, but just being in a room with Fredrick was so unnerving... there was just something about him that made everyone in the room uneasy. And it made me think, made me recall what happened some time ago, could this be? The juggernaut?

So now America is under Nazi control, Tord had no interest in getting America back, but he did declare to Fredrick that an invasion of Mexico or Canada would mean war since we basically weren't at war with the Nazis yet.

The meeting was very long, but ended soon enough. Tord and I returned back to our room as Fredrick left the Red Arch and was escorted back to America.

Edd's POV

I've lost all contact with Jessika Härt ever since Tord became Red Leader again, it's probably for the better anyways. Ever since the Nazis took over America, Red Arch citizens have been terrified that there might be another war. Since Trotsky has been in office again it just adds more fear. What is Trotsky?

Well let me explain, Red Arch, which is basically what used to be the land of the UK, is divided into three major cities: Skorna, Valkyrie, and Red Base. Now each city has one huge tower in it, the tower for Skorna is named Trotsky, the tower for Valkyrie is named Stalin, and the tower for Red Base is known as Lenin, but its certified name is Skjønnhetenstårn.

DYSTØPIA | TomTord |Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz