The Adjustment

503 19 79

⚠️Mentions of sex⚠️

Reykjavík, Iceland

Steak sizzled as Leó helped cook dinner for his family.

His children were in the living room and his wife was beside him, cooking other foods.

Leó's phone began to ring and Leó picked it up, he was expecting a specific call.

"Börn uppskerunnar kalla eftir kröfum þeirra," The person over the phone said.

"Segðu þeim að skipun þeirra verði uppfyllt fyrir miðnætti," Leó said quietly so that his wife didn't hear him.

The person over the phone hung up, "Ég verð að fara eitthvað mjög fljótt, elskan.." Leó told his wife.

"Hvar á að?" Leo's wife asked.

"Bara til að gefa vini eitthvað, það tekur aðeins fimm mínútur, ég mæti tímanlega í kvöldmatinn," Leó said.

Leó then walked to the door, put on his jacket, and left outside into his car.

5:48 PM

Leó exited his car and popped open his trunk.

From the trunk, he grabbed a canister of a very, very, deadly gas.

Leó then looked around, he parked at a small park, there were no children, no parents, nobody.


Leó walked into the park and crawled underneath a small place underneath the playground.

Leó unlocked a small trapdoor underneath the playground and shoved the canister into a small cold space designed for it.

This space was underneath the trapdoor.

He closed the trapdoor and locked it again.

Once Leó was done he went back into his car and back to his house just in time before dinner.

Once at the house, he entered and pulled something out of his pocket...

A bottle of liquid.

He poured a small amount of the liquid onto all the plates on the table as nobody was watching.

His children and wife sat down at the table, ready to eat their dinner like they do every day.

But as they all began to eat it, the father looked at each sibling and his wife.

His kids began to cough.

Then his wife.

Then himself.

He couldn't help but tear up as he knew what was happening.

The kids coughing became immense.

Then his wife's.

Then his.

His kids and his wife began to choke.

His children soon stopped moving, and so did his wife.

Then eventually, Leó stopped moving also.

The liquid he poured onto their food is called Aipotu 42.

A poison strong enough to kill 18 men in one dose.

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