The Fall of the Red Arch

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3rd Person POV
"Sodom and Gomorrah have been finished."

Those were the six words that reverberated through Fredrick's mind, igniting a fire within him. It was the signal he had been waiting for, the call to launch the greatest air raid attack in all of history.

In the yard of air-raid planes, hundreds of Fredrick's soldiers boarded the aircraft, their faces determined and their hearts filled with a mix of anticipation and fear. They were prepared to carry out a massive attack, to unleash destruction upon their enemies.

Among the planes, there was one that stood out from the rest. It was larger and more formidable, carrying a single bomb with the name "Sodom" emblazoned on its side. This bomb held the power to change the course of the war.

Meanwhile, in Trotsky, the tower used for planning war and cleansing, Tord and Tom sat at a table surrounded by Red Agents. Today, however, the focus was on war, not cleansing.

"Thousands of Red Soldiers in the southern parts of Mexico are fighting the NFM," a Red Agent informed them. "We're unaware of the exact number of casualties, but the NFM is unlike any other army. They don't fight normally, to say the least."

"They have a unique strategy," Tord added. "They surround our armies and puncture through, splitting them into smaller, more vulnerable groups. It contains a battle formation called Blitzkrieg, and it has been effective for them, in fact it was always effective for the Nazis, even back in World War Two."

Tom interjected, "But what about cleansing? What are our plans for that?"

"For now, let's focus on other regions," the Red Agent replied. "Places like South-eastern Europe or North Africa. We'll deal with North America and other northern regions later."

In Red Arch, Edd sensed that something was off. The once bustling and lively cities now felt empty and lifeless. The sun had set, casting a dim light over the desolate streets.

He couldn't help but wonder if it was the absence of cola or if it had something to do with Matt. Lately, Matt had been withdrawn, spending hours in front of the mirror, lost in his own thoughts.

Feeling bored and hungry, Edd decided to invite Matt to get some food. He approached him and tapped his shoulder, breaking him out of his trance.

"Matthew," Edd called out.

Startled, Matt turned around. "Oh, yes, Edd?"

"Wanna come with me to get some food?" Edd asked.

Matt hesitated for a moment before replying, "Yeah, if it's okay with you."

Around 15 minutes later, Edd and Matt found themselves seated at a table in a small, empty diner. As Matt perused the menu, Edd looked out the window, taking in the quiet city and the darkening sky.

"Edd," Matt spoke up, breaking the silence.

"Yes?" Edd responded, turning his attention on Matt.

"I'm sorry," Matt began, his voice filled with remorse.

Edd interrupted him, shaking his head. "Don't. Don't apologize. I know."

"And you forgive me?" Matt asked, his voice tinged with uncertainty.

Edd nodded, a small smile forming. "Yeah, of course."

A sense of relief washed over Matt's face as the waiter arrived to take their order.


In Nagasaki, Japan, Pau boarded a private jet, accompanied by Marcus, a member of the Children of the Harvest. The jet flew them to their destination, where they were greeted by English-speaking individuals.

DYSTØPIA | TomTord |Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt