Start from the beginning

In that moment he got hit with the urge to forget the world and pull her into his arms in a tight hug. A hug of apologies... A hug of gratitude.... And a hug of unconditional love.

The attraction towards her made him shed even more tears. He wanted to embrace her firmly, kiss her lips softly and rest his forehead upon her forehead lovingly, since it was their favourite feeling....
He wanted to wrap his arms around her waist and cry his heart out, on her lap....
He wanted to tell her, how much he is missing her and craving her presence around him....

But he couldn't. Because he had left his marital life back in the palace and all he had carried with himself were Urmila's anklet, the tassel tied his hair which was made by Urmila and his brahmacharya for fourteen years. As a result he was unable to even touch his wife with such feelings.

But when he got the chance to exchange some words inside the hut, his heart felt her warmth. He was both astonished and proud of how his beloved is carrying the responsibilities so well.

While leaving Chitrakoot, Urmila turned back to him for the last time. Her eyes were icy dry but his eyes didn't know any boundary. Like always, it let thick streams of tears flow from his golden brown orbes and ache raised in heart, as he realised that in upcoming fourteen years he is never going to meet his beloved's gaze again.

As Urmila vanished from his sight completely, he broke into tears. His pain hurt Ram and Sita even more. Ram consoled him and tried to provide comfort, by asking him to rest. But Lakshman, the dutiful third prince of Ayodhya didn't even flinch from his duties.

Even after three nights of absolute no rest, Lakshman stood outside the hut with his bow in hands. His frame was already trembling by both the physical and mental exhaustion. Without caring about his health he was giving way more than his best to protect Ram and Sita in the intimidating darkness of the forest.

It eventually lead Ram's heart to ache. How could he actually rest, when his little brother is challanging his own life for him. It lead him and Sita to pray for Lakshman.

As the night deepened, the moon ray started creating hallucinations for Lakshman. He started seeing Urmila standing beside her.
Not the Rajvadhu Urmila of Ayodhya..., but it was Rajkumari Urmila, whome he met at Mithila.... That Rajkumari Urmila, who introduced him to the lover hidden inside his fierce warrior soul.

The past memories started coming to his mind, creating illusions. The cold night wind of chitrakoot was carrying fragrance of his Mila. Till then Lakshman's body had become too weak that he couldn't even stand but collapsed on his knees.

While suddenly the atmosphere coolen and some divine figure emerged infront of him, from a very eye shooting light.

After exchanging couple of words, Lakshman got to know that the divine feminine figure infront of him is none other than Nidradevi, the goddess of sleep.
As his strong will and devotion was crossing the level set by nature itself, it could let him to his death. So the goddess suggested him to find an alternative way for it.

But Lakshman was way above from the fear of Death. He was ready to sacrifice his life happily for his brother but won't hurt anyone by passing his burden... his sleep to anyone.

But Nidradevi convinced him, that to protect his brother he had to stay not just alive but healthy as well. His demise can't help but make things unbelievably difficult for Ram... for Urmila... For Sumitra... And for all, who are praying for his well being.

Lakshman understood that the goddess is right. He can't leave anyone in this difficult situation... Neither Ram... Nor Urmila. But he had no idea, to whome he should transfer his sleep cycle.

Then Nidradevi again suggested.... Urmila, only she can carry his sleep. It could increase her burdens but he had no other way left. With heavy heart, Lakshman agreed and asked Nidradevi to transfer his sleep cycle to Urmila. And after fourteen years, when he will meet her, he will take it back by himself.

Nidradevi accepted and vanished from his sight. Couple of minutes later, suddenly Lakshman's tiredness vanished. His body felt healthy and vision got cleared. His strength came back and it was the sign that Urmila had accepted his sleep.

But his tears didn't dry, and neither going to dry. He looked at the moon and said in serene voice- "Oh moon, let my Urmila know... She will be carrying the sleep cycle of her Saumitra, And Lakshman will shed the tears of his Mila's share for the upcoming fourteen years."

It was Lakshman's daily routine to Sit for hours of meditation, infront of the rising sun. But since the day he transferred his sleep to Urmila, his surroundings started feeling different. As if the trees, the sun ray, the wind, the slossing water... all were whispering to him, telling him something... Trying to unveil some secret infront of him. Which lead his meditation to layers deeper in his subconscious.

As he was sitting in deep silence by focusing on the eternal nothingness, he was finding himself in some other realm.... A divine realm, surrounded by a huge ocean of milky water.

An indescribable recognition was blooming in his heart and making his eyes damp. He was feeling deep but unexplainable affection by glancing at the milky white waters.

When he was walking closer to the ocean, the milky waters were gently touching his feet. The warm touch was making more tears escape his eyes. As he was coming in contact with the water, an alluring feminine figure was appearing from the ocean. The haze of surroundings was not letting Lakshman see the face the divine woman. But only thing he was seeing... piercing through the haze, was a blue lotuses on her hair. Godly aura was encircling her. The familiarity was not understandable for him.
He was trying to speak but before he could do so, this vision was vanishing.

He didn't know who was it or why this vision was charming his meditation in every morning. But all he knew was the divine woman's resemblance with his Mila. Without even seeing her face, he somehow felt that it's Urmila. Even she was more Urmila than Urmila herself.


After staying in Chitrakoot for some days, Lakshman along with Ram and Sita, left for another region.... Dandakaranya.

After meeting one of the greatest seven sages, Maharshi Atri and his wife the great Maharishika Anusuya, Ram got the best location to stay at Dandakaranya. It was known as the wildest and most haunted forest. Curses and negative energies were lurking everywhere in it's dark green depths. As a result Ram and Lakshman had to face many.

But apart from all the dangers, Lakshman stood strong by holding his duty in heart.

But the strange vision coming to him in his meditation, became more and more vivid with time. Slowly he became able to speak to that divine woman, inbetween the milky ocean. He had many questions. But instead of the questions in his mind, he was asking something else.

Even the her voice was exactly mirroring Urmila. Lakshman had slowly built the believe that the figure, he sees in his meditation is nobody else but Urmila. But his queries were still unanswered.

Ram, Sita and Lakshman stayed at Dandakaranya for nearly twelve years. In this period they came across many wise beings and sages. They learnt many lessons from them in that period. And after that, they shifted to another heavenly beautiful forest... Panchvati.

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