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Next day...

Just a mile away from the Shringa giri mountain region, the people of Ayodhya separated in two groups. One included the king, his court members and some army officials which moved straight towards Ayodhya. The other one included the grooms, brides, some workers, maids and many soldiers which saparated their path towards the Shringa giri.

After traveling for couple more hours, the second group reached at the feet of that perticular mountain region in which Rajkumari Shanta was living with her husband.

From that perticular place only the princes and princesses had to walk upto their hermitage by leaving the workers and maids behind. So they set their camp at the bottom of the hill while the Princes and princesses moved towards the peak.

The forest in the mountains were not so dense still many animals were living there. In that shining day light also their sounds were audible.

It's grandeur was visible in the towering peaks, covered with misty veils. Slopes were adorn with lush greenery and cool gentle air. The hypnotic beauty of Shringa giri was a true masterpiece of nature.

After walking a bit more distance, the royal couples stopped in front of a minimalist but elegant hut. In the heart of the mountain, beside a dancing stream and in between the spellbound beauty of floral habitat, the only hut had established. The air was pure and ambience was divine as if mother nature herself was meditating there.

" Is this where Shanta didi lives ? " - Urmila asked while her eye were exploring the place.

"Yes Mila... This is the place." - Lakshman replied with big smile.

Not just Lakshman but all the Raghuvanshi Princes's hearts were dancing in joy as they were going to meet their only sister after years... that too with their wives.
Ram knocked on the wooden door while others waited impatiently.

"Coming..." - A serene feminine voice came from the other side and soft footsteps became audible. After some seconds the door finally opened by revealing the Princess of Ayodhya.

In a perfectly pleated safron attire and red angavastram, a heavenly beautiful woman was standing with an eight to nine months old baby in her arms. The woman's eyes were lotus petal shaped, just like Ram and hairs were straight, just like Shatrughna. She had pink chuby cheeks like Bharat and heart shaped cherry red lips like Lakshman.

Before even saying anything her eyes flooded with tears and the lips went wide in a pretty smile which was clearly defining, how much she loved the surprise. The Princes also had the same situation like her, especially after seeing the baby in her arms. Because it didn't take any extra second for them to realise that it's definitely their nephew or niece.

The brothers immediately sat on their knees infront of their sister and touched her feet with teary eyes.
With laughter blending with tears, she touched her brother's head and blessed- " Ayushmaan bhav my brothers... May you get every happiness in the world.

Bharat got up before others to see the baby first. And before him asking anything Shanta said- "Your niece, Bharat.... Vindhya."

Now all the other's attention went to the baby. And Bharat took her in his arms. "SHE IS ADORABLE.... "- The second prince hollered in sugar rush. All the others chuckled.

Ram tightly hugged Shanta and by following him, Lakshman and Shatrughna also hugged her tightly. The joy was cascading from the siblings eyes, which the brides were enjoying.

Shanta's eyes fell upon the brides and with a teasing tone she said while pulling out of the hug - "ain't you all gonna introduce you sister to your wives ? "

"Why not didi... This is the reason why are we here. She is Rajkumari Sita, the eldest daughter of Maharaj Janak and your eldest Sister in law, didi" - Ram introduced.
Sita gently touched the feet of Shanta.
"May God bless you Sita.."- Shanta pulled her into arms. And Sita hugged back.
" I'm so happy to meet you didi. " - Sita said and Shanta replied cheerfully- "me too.."

Then Mandvi touched her feet. " And she is Bharat's wife, Rajkumari Mandvi. The daughter of Maharaj Kushadhwaj of Sankasya. "
Shanta hugged Mandvi- " Have a jovial life Mandvi..."
Both of them smiled widely. Bharat was still busy with his niece so Shanta said while pointing at him- "You have to handle my babiest brother, Mandvi. So best of luck for that."

"Come on didi... You don't know her yet. In reality I'm the one who is going to handle her." - Bharat said and Mandvi glared at him.

"See daughter... How your mamishree (aunty) is looking at me like a Tigress." - Bharat told that 8 month old which made everyone giggle.

Mandvi took baby Vindhya from his arms and told - " Never get inspired by your second mamashree (uncle), baby... And don't even believe him. "
The baby smiled... And Bharat pouted.
"See didi... She is not that innocent as you were assuming." - Bharat said while hugging Shanta.
"Good for you "- She replied and Mandvi smiled proudly.

Urmila came to front and touched Shanta's feet. And Ram introduced- "And she is Rajkumari Urmila, the second daughter of Maharaj Janak. "
"Have a blissful life Urmila.." - Shanta smiled
Lakshman was looking at her proudly while Urmila looked down shyly. So Shanta teased- " by the way i would love to know how did you melted the heart of someone like Lakshman. I had never thought that he will also fall in love oneday. This is such a big achievement Urmila. "

Ram added- "not just this didi, she had defeated Lakshman in sword fight..."
Shanta's eyes rolled back to Urmila proudly- "Really?? That's totally impressive..."

"It's only because she was using my Varun khadga, didi. Or else she could have never defeat me. " - Lakshman said in his favour.

Bharat added- " And that's another biggest achievement... That 'varun khadga', which can't even be lifted by anybody else rather than you... Urmila defeated you by that, your own sword..."

All of them laughed while Lakshman just rolled his eyes away.

Lastly Shrutkirti touched Shanta's feet.
"And she is the second daughter of Maharaj Kushadhwaj. And I must say didi, Rajkumari Shrutkirti is just the mirror image of our Shatrughna. " - Ram said.
While hugging her Shanta exclaimed- " So happy to meet you Shrutkirti... God bless you..."

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