written on the heart

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There were things that distracted Rosé. Any tiny bit of distraction haunts her, creating a cycle. And for some reason, she can't seem to focus on the lyrics to her song.

Her jaw clenched as she stares at the piece of paper. It was supposed to be filled with words, truthful words that can speak her mind. Instead it was filled with scribbles and scratched up ink, unable to write words coming from her heart.

It was unusual for her to be stuck. Writing lyrics for a song was her favorite part of producing music and here she was, stuck. What's wrong with me?  She thought.

There were all things she could write about. She could write about her life? Or a point where she thought everything was falling apart? No– too cliche. She desperately looked around the house as she sat in the dining room, silence filling the air.

Everywhere she looked, no inspiration came to her head. Perhaps she had written everything she had wanted to.

Rosé lets out a frustrated grown, her fingers tangled in her fried blonde hair. Nothing seemed to come to her head.

Kuma jumped on the chair next to her, his head slightly turned as if he was asking what was wrong. Rosé could only shook her head and gave him a pat on the head.

She looked up above the brown dog to stare at the night through the window. It wasn't as cold as before as spring has finally set in the world. The stars were bright as they always were and the moon hovering above us all, Rosé could only wonder what to write on her single piece of paper.

It was as if all of her worries were answer as she felt a silhouette walking behind her.

A certain pair of arms wrapped around her neck as she breathed in that scent. Fresh roses, usually she'd be the one wearing it but she couldn't help her heart to be warmed at the thought.

"Well aren't you troubled?" Jennie states. Rosé slightly turns her head to see that same smirk she's used to seeing. "I kept turning around in my sleep, you know."

"Perhaps it's because I wasn't there?" She questioned with a smile, her smirk replicating the other. She realized it was indeed a little late than she had thought.

"Bingo." Jennie says with a pop of her lips. Rosé was tempted to kiss it because of the act, she decides to go against it for now. "Come back to bed, you owe me cuddles." She pouts, her lower lip all pink and plumped. Rosé thinks how much strength she has to not be so tempted by her wife's acts.

"I can't. I'm trying to write a new song but I can't seem to figure out my words. It's been frustrating me the entire night." She sighs, her head turning back to the paper.

Jennie leans her chin on top of her head, thinking of how to help her. And as if on queue, her head went to her ear, lips almost touching it. "I could give you something to write about." Jennie responds with a deeper voice, sensual yet soothing. She teasingly bit her ear to show her what she meant, trailing her lips to the back of her ear and neck.

Rosé could only smile at the feeling. No doubt that it helped with the stress, but she was determined to finish this. "Tempting as it sounds, I really want to finish this song." She grins again to face another pout from Jennie. "This is important to me. Finishing this song could be the start of something new for me. I could actually have a chance to become a singer, you know its all I ever wanted– besides you of course but that's besides the point–"

"Rosie," She laughs upon seeing her so cute when she's speaking, "You have it in you. I know you do. You don't need to write something spectacular or anything different than you, just write whatever you want to write. I swear, anyone would love to listen to you sing, no matter what you write. Okay?"

 "Just, write about what you love writing about. It's all that matters." Jennie whispers again in her ear, kissing it before letting out a yawn. "But don't make me wait in bed for you, I'm warnin' ya." She winked before kissing Rosé's cheek and walked back to their bedroom. Her kiss staining her cheek as Rosé covered it, smiling at the feeling.

Rosé knew what she wants to write about. Like from every other song she had written about, it's all about one special person and she wouldn't change it for anything else. And as she starts writing, her thoughts immediately spilled out upon the paper. Her heart written on the piece of sheet.

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